Biographical Sketch of Joseph Bennett

Joseph Bennett was born in Middlebury, Mass., December 19, 1763. He married Susannah Simmons, and soon after his marriage settled in Woodstock, Vt., where he remained until December, 1810, when he came to this town and located upon the farm where Orlando F. Gerry, whose wife is a granddaughter of Joseph, now resides. Here, in a small log cabin they resided for ten years, when a more pretentious dwelling took its place, in which Mr. Bennett died, in 1825, aged sixty-two years. Mrs. Bennett survived his death until July, 1855, aged eighty-five years. Only one of their six children is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson, born at Middlebury, Mass., September 3, 1783, came to Stowe from Woodstock, Vt., in 1803, and located upon the farm now occupied by his son, Frank. About two years previous to his death, which occurred in 1870, he removed to Stowe village. Mr. Benson was a man of steady and industrious habits, and attained a comfortable competence, and the entire respect of his fellow citizens. He married Miss Eliza Benson, of his native town, who survived him until 1879. Five of their seven children reside in the town, viz.: Orlando J., Elmira A. (Mrs. G. S. Moody), Flotilla … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Col. Asahel Raymond

Col. Asahel Raymond was born in Middlebury, Mass., April 7, 1781. His parents moved to Woodstock in the following September, where he resided until September, 1807, when he came to Stowe. Here he immediately purchased a farm, where Noah Scribner now resides, and commenced the manufacture of salts and pearl ashes from the ashes obtained in clearing his land, and also purchased by exchange for dry goods and groceries, of the surrounding settlers. He formed a copartnership with Dea. Asa Raymond, which continued until the death of Dea. Raymond. In 1822 and 1823, they built the grist-mill now owned by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Cushman

Joseph Cushman was appointed by a democratic legislature first probate judge of Thurston County. He was born at Middlebury, Massachusetts, March 13, 1807, and was a lineal descendant of Robert Cushman of the Mayflower company, had a good home education and a Boston business training, hence was a valuable man in any community, besides being an orator of ability, and ready writer. He went to South America in 1849, and after a brief stay in Valparaiso, came to California, and engaged in jobbing goods on the Sacramento Paver. Making the acquaintance of Samuel Merritt, owner of the brig G. W. … Read more