The Wierschem Family of Prairie du Rocher Illinois

One of our literary geniuses has remarked that the history of any locality is but the history of its great men. The destinies of splendid empires are shaped by the personalities of their rulers, and a whole people sometimes owes its prosperity to the energies of one man, who stands at the head of the state. And in a community this principle is even more forcibly demonstrated, for here the thoughts of a few leaders permeate to the farthest boundaries and shape the thoughts of the masses. Viewed in this light, how significant do the biographies of prominent men become! … Read more

The Moskop Family of Prairie du Rocher Illinois

Mr and Mrs Frank Moskop

Every community contains a few men of remarkable business ability, men who have risen to enviable success in some branch of trade. They deserve the public gratitude for their contribution to its prosperity no less than they win general admiration for the manner in which they have risen into eminence and won the hard struggle of life. Such a character is Mr. Moskop, the well-known manager of the Nanson Commission Company. He was born January 28. 1866, in Monroe City. Monroe County, being the son of a prominent farmer. After finishing the parochial and public schools he worked for a … Read more

The Hoef Family of Prairie du Rocher Illinois

Mr. Hoef is one of those citizens who have come to our shores, leaving their native country, and seeking a new home in a new world. In early times all of our people crossed the seas, “but their hardihood and enterprise has all but been forgotten. Those who emigrated in more recent times serve to remind us of the dangers and privations attending the long voyage from another continent. Mr. Hoef was born in Cobenz, Germany, on March 16, 1851. He came to America with his parents in 1865 and settled in Madonnaville. Here he attended the parochial and public … Read more

The Eichenseer Family of Prairie du Rocher Illinois

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eichenseer

John Eichenseer, who gets his mail through Red Bud, Illinois, Rural Route No. 3, was born March 3, 1863, in Madonnaville, Monroe County, Illinois. After leaving the parochial and public schools he worked for his father until his marriage, which took place October 28, 1890. Miss Mary Wierschem was his bride. Then he bought a farm of eighty acres, and has lived here ever since. Mr. Eichenseer reared a family of ten children – four sons, Vincent A., Leo William, Herman A., and Bernhard F; six daughters, Ida E., Christina A., Theresia A., Veronica F., Anastasia M. and Angela M. … Read more