Biography of Leon Harrison

To say that Leon Harrison of St. Louis is a rabbi indicates to many merely the actual work of the church as a preacher and teacher, but his interpretation of the term is much broader. It means service to mankind in every possible way in which it can be rendered, and those who know Leon Harrison bear testimony to the fact that he seems to have lost no opportunity to do good to his fellowmen. Born in Liverpool, England, August 13, 1866, he is a son of Gustave and Louisa (Nelson) Harrison. Brought to America in his youthful days he … Read more

Biography of Rev. John A. Anderson

Rev. John A. Anderson, so long identified with the work of the Presbyterian Church at Junction City, and, while a resident of that place, with the affairs of Congress, of which he was a member, had a remarkable experience for a elergyman. He graduated from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, in 1853, Benjamin Harrison being his roommate for a time. Mr. Anderson began his ministerial work at Stockton, California, in 1857, and is said to have preached the first union sermon on the Pacific coast. In 1860 the state legislature of California elected him trustee of the state insane asylum. Two … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Augustus Frederic Hartz

Hartz, Augustus Frederic; lessee Euclid Ave. Opera House; born, Liverpool, England, Sept. 8, 1843; apprenticed to the stage (prestidigitateur) 1851; studying with a tutor during evenings; arrived in U. S. in 1863, and remained on the stage until 1880, when he settled in Cleveland; mgr. Park Theater, 1883; took lease of Opera House, 1884, and has retained lease ever since; pres. Majestic Oil Company; pres. Trenton Rock Oil & Gas Company; veteran member Forest City Lodge, F. & A. M.; hon. life member Cleveland Lodge, B. P. 0. E.; member Excelsior, and Oakwood Clubs.

Death of Cyrus Kingsbury

Rev. Cyrus Kingsbury

Early in the year 1820, an English traveler from Liverpool, named Adam Hodgson, who had heard of the Elliot mission when at home, visited the mission, though he had to turn from his main route of travel the distance of sixty miles. He, at one time on his sixty miles route, employed a Choctaw to conduct him ten or twelve miles on his new way, which he did, then received his pay and left him to finish his journey alone. Of this Choctaw guide Mr. Hodgson, as an example of noble benevolence and faithful trust, states: “After going about a … Read more

Biography of Henry Dunn

There was a romantic side to early western history, romantic in the reading, and romantic and perilous in the living, which will always have a place in American literature. The men who participated in it were of the quality of manhood of which good soldiers are made, with a dash of the explorer, the adventurer and the pioneer. They were the avant heralds of advancing civilization, and when civilization came they were quick to avail themselves of the advantages it offered, and were more farseeing than some other men when it came to penetrating the future and sizing up its … Read more

Biography of John Wilson

JOHN WILSON-The family of Wilson, of Greenfield, is of Scotch Origin, Robert Wilson, a native of Glasgow, Scotland, having been the father of Mr. John Wilson, who is the founder and senior partner of the firm of John Wilson & Company, of Greenfield Robert Wilson was born in Glasgow in 1839, and died in New Cummock, Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1870, in the part of the country that Robert Burns, at the early age of thirty-one years, made famous the world over. He was general manager of the Bank Colliery at New Cummock, was a hard worker and had to apply … Read more

Biography of Hon. William Jackson

Among the old settlers of Rock Island County, who has assisted during his residence here in accomplishing many permanent reforms, is the Hon. William Jackson, who is entitled to honorable mention. Mr. Jackson was born in the City of Liverpool, England, August 14, 1834, of English parentage. His early boyhood was spent in his native city. After leaving school, the last being the Liverpool Collegiate Institution, he was, at an early age, apprenticed to a grocer. Serving part of his apprenticeship, and being very desirous of trying his fortune in the new world, where he had many relatives, he left … Read more

Slave Narrative of Edward Lycurgas

Interviewer: Pearl Randolph Person Interviewed: Edward Lycurgas Location: Jacksonville, Florida “Pap tell us ‘nother story ’bout do war and ’bout de fust time you saw mamma.” It has been almost 60 years since a group of children gathered about their father’s knee, clamoring for another story. They listened round-eyed to stories they already knew because “pap” had told them so many times before. These narratives along with the great changes he has seen, were carefully recorded in the mind of Edward, the only one of this group now alive. “Pap” was always ready to oblige with the story they never … Read more