Biography of Capt. John Harford

CAPT. JOHN HARFORD. – This distinguished captain, whose portrait is given here, is now a resident and one of the principal owners of the townsite of Pataha City, Washington, and was born in Westchester county, New York, February 14, 1828. In 1842 he removed to Kendal county, Illinois, and in 1850 journeyed westward to the city of San Francisco. In 1852 he located in Placer county, California, on a ranch where now stands the little city of Lincoln. He removed thence to Marysville, where he engaged in the butcher business until 1855. There he purchased a band of sheep at … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Dippel

Our German citizens of American birth are among our best citizens. Most of them are industrious, frugal, enterprising, progressive and strictly up to date. There is a strain of blood, perhaps something in the atmosphere in which they were born, which makes them good pioneers. They have an unerring scent for localities for profitable investments and improvements. Following is one of the many life stories which go to prove all this: Henry Clarence Dippel, a prominent pioneer farmer and fruit-grower of Blackfoot, Idaho, is a native son of California, having been born at Lincoln, Placer County, October 26, 1859. His … Read more