Cross, Lauretta – Obituary

Lauretta Cross, of Milton-Freewater and a former resident of Wallowa County, died July 9, 2007, at Walla Walla General Hospital in Walla Walla, Wash. She was 85. Mrs. Cross was born June 19,1922, in La Grande to James Everett and Etta Rebecca Berg Rachau. The family resided on Pumpkin Ridge, outside of Elgin. They later moved to Minam, where Mrs. Cross attended school through the second grade. In 1930, the family moved to Onalaska, Wash., where she finished her schooling, graduating from the eighth grade twice. Her father didn’t believe in higher education for women. She married young and had … Read more

Morrow, Herman Grinsel – Obituary

H. G. Morrow, one of the best known and most highly esteemed pioneers of the county, died suddenly near his home in Cowlitz Prairie about nine o’clock Wednesday forenoon [June 7, 1905]. Mr. Morrow had been sick for some time but had gotten better and was able to be about. Yesterday forenoon Mrs. Morrow and the other members of the family started to Toledo to attend the state Grange which is in session there. They had not been gone long when Mr. Morrow entered Henriott Brothers’ store on the Cowlitz and handed his watch and a walking stick to John … Read more

Champ, Clarence – Obituary

Clarence Champ, 89, of 127 S. Excelsior, retired manager of the Butte General Electric Co. office, died Wednesday [November 13, 1974] at a local hospital. Born Nov. 19, 1894, in Winlock, Wash., Mr. Champ attended Washington schools and graduated from Washington State University with a degree in electrical engineering. He later went to Schenectady, N.Y., where he took the GE test training course before entering the Navy during World War I. After the war, he spent a short time in the GE Chicago office before being transferred to Butte in 1919. He became manager of the office in 1924. Mr. … Read more

Biography of Michael T. Simmons

MICHAEL T. SIMMONS. – Michael T. Simmons, the leader of an American colony, who established the pioneer American settlement upon the shores of Puget Sound, was born August 5, 1814, in Bullitt County, Kentucky, three miles south of Sheppardsville. In 1840 he removed with his family to Missouri, and located and built a mill on a branch of the Missouri River, which mill he sold to procure his outfit to migrate to Oregon. In 1844 he joined the Independent Oregon Colony, consisting of several separate companies or parties, who joined together in a quasi military organization, and elected Cornelius Gilliam … Read more

Duby, William – Obituary

Baker, Oregon William Duby, former chairman of the Oregon State Highway commission died at his home in Baker last Tuesday night and funeral services were held at the Christian Church, Baker, Friday afternoon, under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge. Mr. Duby was born in East St. Louis, Illinois. In August 1861, said the Baker Democrat Herald. He went to Nebraska with his mother in 1865 and lived in the eastern part of that state until he was 22 years old. Mr. Duby was married to Mary E. Bissell in Wahoo, Saunders County, Nebraska, October 5, 1895. The young couple … Read more

Smith, Harry – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Harry Smith, 81, a 50-year resident of Morton, Wash., and a former Baker City resident, died Feb. 7, 2003, at the Centralia Providence Hospital. There was a private family service. Arrangements were under the direction of Brown Mortuary at Morton. Harry was born on March 1, 1921, at Portland to Harry and Ruth Spencer Smith. He was raised at Baker City and joined the U.S. Army in September 1940. Harry saw action in the battles of Rhineland, Ardennes, Central Europe and the Aleutian Islands. He was captured and spent eight months in a prisoner of war camp … Read more

Lee, Ruthella Chaplin – Obituary

Ruthella Chaplin Lee, 95, died Wednesday, May 10 [1989], in Providence Hospital in Centralia. She was born Oct. 3, 1893, in Brownsville, Ore., and was the daughter of Ralph and Sarah [Coshow] Chaplin. Lee attended Bellingham Normal School and was a teacher in the Chehalis School District until her marriage in 1917 to Virgin R. Lee. He died in 1986. She was a life member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and a long-time member of the St. Helen’s Club and the Pioneers of Washington. Surviving are a son, William R. “Bill” Lee of Chehalis; three granddaughters; and three … Read more

History of Centralia, Washington

Birdseye View of Centralia Washington

“Centralia: The First Fifty Years, 1845-1900,” authored by Herndon Smith and published by the Daily Chronicle in 1949, is an accounting of Centralia, Washington history during its formative years. This work captures the essence of the community’s early development, providing a narrative enriched by diverse anecdotes and some pictorial representations.

Lyon, Lottie Anna McEwen – Obituary

Mrs. Lottie Lyon, 60, died at her home here early Monday morning [March 19]. She was born at Manhattan, Kans., November 10, 1873 and came to Washington in 1888, locating near Toledo with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. [Archibald] McEwen. She was married July 5, 1890 to John [Charles] Lyon whose death occurred a few years ago. Mrs. Lyon was a member of the Royal Neighbors and the Renewal Society. Surviving relatives are three daughters, Mrs. Esther Pierce and Miss Winnie Lyon, San Francisco and Mrs. Hattie Pierce, Vacaville, Calif.; six sons, Harry, Wendell, Ed, Fred, and John Lyon, Toledo … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Catlin

HON. JOHN CATLIN. – Mr. Catlin is of New England and Scotch stock. His father, Seth Catlin, was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and from there emigrated with his father and an only sister to the State of Illinois, about the year 1812. His mother came with her parents from Scotland to America when but twelve years of age; and her father, James Ridpath, settled with his family in Randolph county, Illinois, in 1818. His parents were married in the year 1831, and located on a farm at Turkey Hill, St. Clair county, Illinois, where their first child, John Catlin, the … Read more

Anderson, August – Obituary

Gus Anderson, 65, one of southwest Washington’s best known hop growers, died at his home at Klaber Saturday evening [January 4, 1936]. Mr. Anderson was born in Hallsberg, Sweden, November 4, 1870. He came to the United States in 1893 as a young man and had resided in this section 26 years. For many years he was superintendent of the hop yard of the Herman Klaber Company at Klaber, rated the largest in Washington, and was a real expert in the growing and handling of that crop. Previously he worked at the hop game at Chehalis for Carl Motter 5 … Read more

Gowen, Francis Marion – Obituary

Francis M. Gowen, 72, prominent dairyman and farmer, died suddenly last evening at his home on Route 1, Chehalis. He was born in Rice County, Minnesota, July 31, 1869, and came to Lewis County in 1893. He was a member of the Grange and of the Modern Woodmen. Surviving are his wife, Melissa [Champ]; two sons, Dewey, Chehalis, and Myron Gowen, Centralia; four daughters, Mrs. Pearl Hammack, Castle Rock; Mrs. Violet Hart, Bucoda; Mrs. Daisey Campbell, Chehalis, and Mrs. Ruby Bruce, Portland; sister, Mrs. W. E. Smith, Toledo, and five grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 … Read more

Lewis County, Washington Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted At Lewis County, Washington Tombstone Transcription Project) Boistfort (Harris) Cemetery Butterworth’s Cemetery Doss Cemetery Dryad-Doty (Sylvan) Cemetery Dunn (Harmony) Cemetery Ethel Greenwood (Clements, LaDue, Olson) Cemetery Fern Hill (Chehalis, Phillips, Urquhart) Cemetery Finn Hill (Independence Valley, Finnish) Cemetery Greenwood Masonic Cemetery Klickitat Cemetery Lone Hill (Layton Prairie) Cemetery Napavine Cemetery Newaukum Hill Cemetery Owery (Wilson Pioneer) Cemetery Rainy Valley Cemetery Riffe Cemetery Roberts (Howe, Cowlitz Prairie) Cemetery St. Francis Xavier Mission … Read more

Champ, William J. – Obituary

Willie J. Champ, last Thursday [August 21, 1902], of typhoid pneumonia. Father died several years ago. Willie, born 25 Sept 1881, in Winlock and soon afterwards parents moved two miles east of Winlock where family has since lived. He worked and managed farm till two years ago when Mrs. Champ married W. A. Large. Since then Willie has been attending school in Olympia, leaves mother, stepfather, two brothers and a stepsister. Funeral at home Saturday, Rev. Ludwick of Castle Rock conducted. Burial in Winlock Masonic Cemetery. The Winlock Pilot, August 29, 1902 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Wilkinson, Andrew – Obituary

Died—At Vader, Washington, Monday, August 9, 1926, Andrew Wilkinson, age 84 years, 7 months and 14 days. The funeral took place from the Methodist church, Union, Friday, August 13, 1926, at 2:30 o’clock p.m. Word was received at Union early Monday morning of the serious illness of Mr. Wilkinson, and his daughter, Mrs. Webb, left that morning on No. 17 for Vader, but her father passed away before her arrival at Vader. Mrs. Webb returned with the remains Thursday, and the funeral took place as above noted. “Uncle Andy” Wilkinson was one of the old settlers of this section, and … Read more

Kryger, Nevada L. Morrow – Obituary

Requiem mass for Mrs. Nevada L. Kryger, 73, resident of the Sellwood community for 60 years, will be held at 9 a.m. Friday in St. Agatha Catholic Church. Interment will be in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Rosary will be said today at 8 p.m. in McGinnis & Wilhelm Chapel. She was a native of Lewis County, Washington. Survivors are her husband, Cornelius J. Kryger, whom she married 46 years ago; daughter, Mrs. Alice Katherine Jones; a grandson, and sisters, Mrs. Irene Nolton and Mrs. Nellie Miller, all of Portland. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Penner, Gerhardt Adolph – Obituary

A resident of Lewis County from 1923 to 1977, Gerhardt Adolph Penner, 88, died in a Kirkland nursing home, Tuesday, January 2. He was born March 26, 1890 in Port Orchard and has been a resident of Bellevue since 1977. Mr. Penner worked as a salesman for Darigold and as a custodian for the Centralia and Chehalis Schools. He was a member of the First Christian Church of Chehalis and was preceded in death by his wife, Audrey Dorene in August, 1978. Survivors include a son, Clark C., Walnut Creek, Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. H. C. (Carman) Hardebeck, Bellevue; a … Read more

Champ, Cora A. Eells – Obituary

Mrs. Cora A. Champ, aged 78 years, and a resident of the Winlock community for the past sixty-four years, passed away at her home in Winlock Tuesday morning, October 13, following an illness of two weeks. She was born March 3, 1864, in Spring Valley, Minnesota, and came to WA Territory with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Eels, in 1879, settling near Toledo. She was married May 1, 1881 to John H. Champ whose parents came by covered wagon from Indiana in 1861. Mr. Champ died in 1915. They were the parents of ten children, only three of whom … Read more

Champ, Wallace Arnold – Obituary

Wallace Arnold Champ died Monday, Feb. 6, in St. Helen Hospital at the age of 82. A lifetime resident of Winlock, Champ was born there on March 17, 1901. He was preceded in death by his wife, Della, on Jan. 9 [same year]. Survivors include a son, Arnold Champ of Minneapolis, Minn.; a daughter Doris Ojala of Winlock; a sister, Erma Holten of Longview; six grandchildren; three great grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. By request off Champ, no funeral will be held. Remembrances may be donations to the Winlock Ambulance Fund. Arrangements are under the direction of Cattermole Funeral … Read more

Biography of Frederick Proebstel

FREDERICK PROEBSTEL. – This pioneer of the Wallowa valley was born in Germany in 1829, and with his parents emigrated to America in 1842 and located in Missouri. In 1852 he made the crossing of the plains to Lewis County, Washington Territory, locating on Fourth Plain. Mr. Proebstel, belonging to the family of this name, a number of whose biographies are found in this volume, shared many experiences in common with others, and was one of the Indian fighters of 1855-56, and wishes to bear special testimony to the liberality of the Hudson’s Bay Company during the hard winter of … Read more