Biography of William Shy

WILLIAM SHY. It is always a pleasure to deal with the history of one who is a member of one of those grand old pioneer families whose bravery, fortitude and determination paved the way for the present advanced state of civilization, and William Shy is one of these. He is a successful farmer and merchant at Lesterville, Reynolds County, Missouri, and was born here in 1841. His parents, Eli and Mary Elizabeth (Smith) Shy, were born in Kentucky in 1802 and 1807, respectively, and were reared and married on Blue Grass soil. They made their home in the State of … Read more

Biography of William Rayfield

WILLIAM RAYFIELD. This well-known and successful farmer and stock-man of Middle Fork, Reynolds County, Missouri, was born in Cumberland County, Kentucky, in 1829, of which State his parents, John and Nancy (King) Rayfield, were also natives. They resided in Kentucky until the subject of this sketch was about one year old, then came by wagon to what is now Reynolds County, Missouri, and were among the very first settlers of this section, and for many years experienced severe hardships and privations, which always fall to the lot of the pioneer. Indians were very numerous in that early day, wild animals … Read more

Biography of Dr. John H. Moore

DR. JOHN H. MOORE, who has made his home in this county for a number of years, came originally from St. Francois County, Missouri, where his birth occurred on the 27th of January, 1838. His father, Dr. Robert Moore, who was a practicing physician in Iron and St. Francois Counties, Missouri, for years, died in the former county in 1854. He was born in Smith County, Tennessee, in 1807, and was a son of Armstead Moore, who was of Irish parentage. The father of our subject began the practice of medicine when twenty-one years of age, and about the year … Read more