George Emmett Todd of Clayton MI

George Emmett Todd7, (Caleb6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born July 1, 1834, in Chautauqua, N. Y., died Sept. 5, 1908, in Clayton, Mich., married Dec., 1854, Elizabeth Morrish, who was born Oct. 30, 1836, in Davenshire, England. He was a carpenter. Children: *1733. Anna, b. Oct. 16, 1856. *1734. Cora, b. Aug. 16, 1866. *1735. Frank, b. March 31, 1868. 1736. Burt, b. July 8, 1871, m. Estella Stranhan. No children. *1737. Delburt, b. Aug. 16, 1873. 1738. Myrtie, b. Sept. 6, 1877, in Clayton, Mich.; she is unmarried and lives in Flint, Mich. *1739. Fred, b. March 29, 1879.

Elbert S. Todd of Los Angeles CA

Elbert S. Todd

Elbert S. Todd8, (Gabriel H.7, John6, John5, John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born Feb. 9, 1845, in Rome Center, Mich., married: (1) June 11, 1867, Emma N. Shaw, who was born in 1848, in New York; (2) April 20, 1898, Emma Grubitz. Resided in China, and Napa, Cahuenga, San Francisco, San Jose and Los Angeles California. Children by Emma N. Shaw: 1832. Fred Foster Todd, born Sept. 12, 1868 in Kieu Kiang, China, married Oct. 23, 1895, Fannie Pruitt who was born May 10, 1875, in Crisfield, Maryland. He is now (1919) a Surgeon Dentist in Crisfield, Maryland. where they reside. Children: … Read more

Biography of Albert C. Burnham

Albert C. Burnham. Even the most casual visitor in Champaign is accustomed to associate the name Burnham with that city, where two of its most prominent institutions bear the name. It is true in a broad sense that the good or evil men do in their days lives after them, but seldom does this continuing influence take a better form of concrete benefit than in the Burnham Athenaeum Library and the Julia F. Burnham Hospital in Champaign. They are memorials with a purpose, and a reaction for good day after day upon the lives of thousands in the community which … Read more

Biography of Milton J. Hopkins, M. D.

The thinking man recognizes the fact that character and ability will come to the front anywhere and especially in professional life are the honors and emoluments won only through individual effort and talent. A most creditable position has been reached by Dr. Milton J. Hopkins, physician and surgeon of St. Louis, who was born in Blissfield, Michigan, November 29, 1859, his parents being Samuel and Susannah (Loar) Hopkins. The father, a native of West Virginia, was descended from an old Massachusetts family, the ancestral line being traced back directly to Rev. Samuel Hopkins, who was the great-grandfather of Dr. Hopkins … Read more

George Harvey Todd of Butler MO

George Harvey Todd8, (Gabriel H.7, John6, John5, John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born in Rome, Michigan, Sept. 23, 1839, died in 1896, married in Adrian, Michigan, June 19, 1861, by Rev. Edwin H. Brockway, of the M. E. Church, Susan Maria, daughter of Ransom and Sally Ann (Wade) Todd, who was born in Adrian, Michigan, April 18, 1840. After their marriage they lived in Rome, Michigan, until Oct., 1862, when they moved back to their old home town, Adrian, Michigan, where they lived until Aug. 20, 1864, when he enlisted in the Union Army and she returned to Rome, Michigan, to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge William E. Ambler

Ambler, Judge William E.; real estate; born, Medina, O., 1845; son of Chester C. and Margaret Eglin Ambler; educated, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich.; A. M., Albion College, Albion, Mich.; B. S., Adrian College, Adrian, Mich.; A. M., Albany Law School, Albany, N. Y., LL. B.; married, Lyons, Mich., Dee. 25, 1871, Flora E. Lewis; issue, four children, Jay C., Angell A., William and Marguerite Faye; Judge of the Probate Court of Oceana Co., Mich.; state senator eight years, from Mich.; Pres. Pro. Tem. of the Senate; member of judiciary committee; chairman of committee of appiopdis and finances; have practiced law … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census – Lenawee County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Adrian Township – Charles Eggleston, George Curtis, George Bascom, William Spear, Henry H. Howes, William Calkins, Ambrose Keating, Hollis Armstrong,GeorgeA. Dibble, Thomas J.Harris,C:J.F. Howes,William H. Smith, Charles Henderson, Darius Rice, Charles Dutcher, James Hartman, John Batoeef, Tilton Penn, Joseph W. Burton, David Crocket, Murray L. Robinson, Blissfield Township – William Ten Eyck, Porter M. Wiley, Peter Mominee, Chauncy Labounty, Peter Miller, Luther Smith, Joseph Pangbnrn, Edwin Olmstead, D. C. Fairbanks, George W. Bains, Samuel Ackley, G. Banarla, George … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Cornford

(III) William H.. fourth son of Thomas and Urina (Harmer) Cornford, was born in England, September 8, 1835. He accompanied his parents to America, in early childhood, began the activities of life as a carpenter’s apprentice and having learned that trade he followed it as a journeyman in Phelps for some time. At the breaking-out of the rebellion in 1861, he went to the front with the Seventy-sixth Regiment, New York Volunteers, and after completing his first term of service he reenlisted in the Ninth Michigan Volunteers, with which he served until the close of the war. In 1868 he … Read more

Biography of Rev. Berry Edmiston

Rev. Berry Edmiston, of Riverside, located there in 1878. He first resided on the Government tract at the head of Magnolia avenue, on Palm avenue. In the spring of 1880 he purchased a ten-acre tract on the west side of Bandini Avenue, about three miles south of Riverside. Upon this tract he erected his cottage residence and devoted him-self to horticultural pursuits. He has now three acres in budded orange trees of the Washington Navel variety, two acres in apricots and about four acres in raisin grapes. In 1881 he purchased a ten-acre tract adjoining him, on the south and … Read more

Biography of Edward James Jeffery

Edward James Jeffery was born in Oneida county, New York, April 23, 1835, and is of English descent, his parents having been born in England. During his infancy the family moved to Lenawee county, Michigan. Here he resided on a farm and obtained a limited education in the district school until the spring of 1852, when he started across the plains for the Pacific slope. In October following, after a journey of more than six months, he arrived at Placerville, California, where, until the following spring he engaged in mining. He then went to Stockton where he was employed in … Read more

Mabel I. Todd Kane of Cement City MI

KANE, Mabel I. Todd9, (Ornaldo S.8, John7, Daniel6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 27, 1884, married June 1904, William Kane, who was a mail carrier in Onondaga, Ingham county, Mich. He is now (1919) assistant chemist, in Cement City, Mich. Children: I. Marion Rosette, b. Jan. 22, 1906, in Onondaga, Mich. II. Morris, b. Sept. 16, 1908, in Onondaga, Mich. III. Harriet Augusta, b. Nov. 20, 1910, in Onondaga, Mich.

John Henry Todd of Rollin MI

John Henry Todd8, (Gabriel H.7, John6, John5, John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born in 1830, died in 1913, married first, in 1852, Susan M. Hoxter, second, in 1903, Catherine Gill. Resided in Rome and Rollin, Lenawee County, Michigan. Children by Susan M. Hoxter: 1815. Mary Todd, born in 1853, married in 1873, Eugene Perkins. Children: I. Eva Perkins, b. 1875, m. in 1898, Howard Leach, and had issue: (1) Myrna Leach, b. 1899. (2) Carlton Leach, b. 1903. II. John E. Perkins, b. 1878, m. in 1897, Maud Olyn. 1816. Ida Todd, born in 1855, married in 1878, Edmund Childs. Children: … Read more

Biography of Chester Adelbert Latham

A member of the bar of Wichita, Chester A. Latham is now established in a good practice as patent attorney in that city, and represents one of the early Kansas families. The Lathams have lived in the Sunflower State nearly half a century. Though brought to Kansas in early childhood, Chester Adelbert Latham was born in Adrian, Michigan, December 19, 1861. He obtained his early education while living on the farm near Wichita, and also attended the Wichita High School and for three years was a student in the Kansas State Agricultural College. Mr. Latham had had a varied business … Read more

Delburt Todd of Clayton MI

Delburt Todd8, (George E.7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Aug. 16, 1873, in Clayton, Mich., married Sept., 1896, Libbie Harding, who was born April 24, 1877, in Clayton, Mich. He is a farmer. Children: 2429. Cecil, b. March 24, 1897. 2430. Owen, b. Oct. 24, 1900. 2431. Leon, b. Nov. 24, 1907. 2432. Devere, b. May 28, 1909.

Biography of C. J. Van Doren

C. J. Van Doren’s extended business experience had been almost entirely in connection with the cement industry. He knows the business in every detail, both on the technical and manufacturing side, and also selling end. Mr. Van Doren is now superintendent of the Great Western Portland Cement Company’s plant at Mildred, Kansas. A native of Michigan, he was born at Adrian July 22, 1874. His paternal ancestry goes back to Peter Van Doren who immigrated from Holland and settled on Long Island between 1637 and 1640. Mr. Van Doren’s grandfather, Jacob Van Doren, a native of New York State, was … Read more

Fred Todd of Clayton MI

Fred Todd8, (George E.7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born March 29, 1879, in Clayton, Mich., married Dec. 15, 1910, Mildred Cronk, who was born July 1878, in Flushing, Mich. He, too, is a farmer. Children: 2433. George Emmett, b. Aug. 2, 1912. 2434. Walter Cronk, b. April 5, 1914. 2435. Frederick James, b. June 19, 1916.

Florence E. L. Todd Hurd of Davison MI

HURD, Florence E. L. Todd7, (Caleb6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Dec. 8, 1849, in Portland, N. Y., married in Clayton, Mich., Albert E. Hurd, who was born May 18, 1842, in Cussewago, Crawford County, Penn. They live now (1911) in Davison, Mich. Children: I. Winifred, b. Jan. 15, 1869, in Clayton, Mich., m. Sept. 20, 1890, John P. H. Bradshaw, in Davison, Mich., by Rev. Mr. Kennedy, who was b. Nov. 11, 1869, in Richfield, Mich., d. July 18, 1909, en route from Colorado Springs, Col. Issue: (1) Gladys E., b. Dec. 20, 1891; (2) Beatrice E., b. … Read more

Harvey Todd of Adrian MI

Harvey Todd7, (John6, John5, John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born March 13, 1801, at Stamford, Connecticut, died Oct. 16, 1866, at Adrian, Mich., married in Norwalk, Connecticut, July 6, 1825, Maria Nash, who was born April 21, 1803, in Norwalk, Connecticut, died Sept. 21, 1870, at Adrian, Michigan. Children: 1106. Hannah Maria Todd, b. at Stamford, Conn., d. Oct. 28, 1865, at Adrian, Mich. Unmarried. 1107. Barbara Ann Todd, born Feb. 11, 1831, died April 5, 1870, married March 13, 1849, Edward Seldon Townsend, at Adrian, Michigan. Children: I. James Edward Townsend, b. March 10, 1850, d. Oct., 1900, m. Etta … Read more

Cora Todd Ottaway of Clayton MI

OTTAWAY, Cora Todd8, (George E.7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Aug. 16, 1866, in Clayton, Mich., died Dec. 3, 1904, married Feb. 18, 1888, Thomas Ottaway, who was born in 1868, in Clayton, Mich. Children: I. Georgia, b. Dec. 1889, in Clayton, Mich. II. Ethel, b. 1891, d. 1891. III. Floyd, b. March 1893. IV. Burtran, b. June 1895.

Biography of James C. Murray

Prominent among the enterprising and substantial business men of Jamesport is the subject of this sketch. James C. Murray was born in Belmont county, Ohio, April 8, 1847. He is the son of John and Rose (Moneghan) Murray, natives of Ireland. His education was acquired in the schools of his native State and immediately after leaving school, at the early age of sixteen years, he enlisted under the stars and stripes in Company E, Ninety-eighth Ohio Infantry, but had great difficulty in getting into the army on account of youthfulness, being several times dismissed and ordered home by the drilling officers, … Read more