Biography of Samuel Walker

Samuel Walker, for nearly forty years one of the most stirring figures in the military and civil commotions which centered in the Lawrence region, was a Pennsylvanian, born in Franklin County, October 19, 1822. In 1848 he moved to Ohio and followed his trade as a cabinet maker, and in April, 1855, settled permanently in Kansas. He came with a large party of emigrants and located near Lawrence, with other pronounced free-soil settlers. About six weeks later he was urged by the sheriff of Douglas County to leave the country, but his answer was made the next day, in the … Read more

Biography Of John Hermann

John Hermann. America as a land of opportunities means much to every citizen, but the meaning in all its depth and breadth is seldom realized. Perhaps no Kansan had a truer assurance of all this than John Hermann of Lawrence. He is able to contrast the American life of the past half century with the restricted and intolerant regime of the European fatherland where he was born and bred. He early conceived an abomination for a country which imposed compulsory military service, compulsory education, and a host of other restrictions upon the freedom and liberty of its people. It was … Read more

Biography of Anton Andrew Ackerman

Anton Andrew Ackerman. The business opportunities that some men never see, attract others to whom they seem open pathways to success. Not every farmer boy, however, of seventeen years had the common sense attitude combined with the industrious habits that have made Anton Andrew Ackerman, now a substantial business man of Neosho County, a reliable, satisfactory, efficient worker in other industrial lines before he had more than reached manhood. Mr. Ackerman had worked hard and to some purpose, otherwise he would not have his present high business standing as one of the leading contractors and drillers in the Mid-continent oil … Read more