Ferguson, Elizabeth McEwen – Obituary

Death Comes To Mrs. Ferguson/Valley’s Oldest Pioneer Passes Only four months short of attaining her 100th birthday, Mrs. Elizabeth (Grandma) Ferguson, who was the oldest pioneer woman living in the Kittitas valley, died this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lottie Ferguson Harris, at 302 E. Fourth street here [March 24, 1951]. She died at 2:10 a.m. She was a daughter of a pioneer family, as well as being a pioneer herself. She came across the plains in 1860 with her family, making the six-month trip when a girl 9 years old. Grandma Ferguson was born Elizabeth McEwen … Read more

Barnhart, Mary Magdalene Letterman – Obituary

Mrs. Barnhart of the Methow, mother of Frank Barnhart of this valley; died at her home Tuesday, and the remains were brought to this city for interment today Mary was the wife of Thomas Henderson Barnhart. She was born in Indiana in 1837. She married Thomas in Missouri on November 8, 1855. Mary died August 5, 1902 and is buried in the IOOF Cemetery Contributed by: Sheli Steedman

Erickson, Mary Elizabeth Dixon Shelton – Obituary

M. Elizabeth Erickson, 82, died Wednesday [August 27, 1975] at Kittitas Valley Community Hospital. Born July 29, 1892 in Ellensburg, she was the daughter of pioneer parents Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Dixon who came to Ellensburg from Walla Walla in 1879. She was married to William F. Erickson, Dec. 25, 1919 in Ellensburg. They farmed north of town, in the Badger Pocket and later on the west side. He preceded her in death Aug. 7, 1970 and a short time later she moved to Ellensburg and made her home at 502 E. 3rd Ave. She was a member of the … Read more

Ferrier, Ida Beaman – Obituary

Mrs. Ida Ferrier, 78, wife of Jess Ferrier, a Kittitas Valley resident more than half a century, died last night October 8, 1944. Born in Iowa, she came to the valley in 1889. Besides her husband, a brother and a sister survive her. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Honeycutt Chapel, with Rev. W. M. Martin officiating. Burial will be in the IOOF Cemetery. Ida’s parents were Justice Beaman and Eliza Rhodes. Her first husband was Samuel Cox. She divorced him by 1910.

Curtis, Rosetta Carver – Obituary

Mrs. G. Carver, Valley Pioneer, Expires Today Resident Here Since 1876; Passes At Age Of 77 After Long Illness Mrs. George W. Carver passed away at her home at 9 o’clock this morning [November 14, 1930] following a long illness and after being bedfast for more than three months, at the age of 77 years. Mrs. Carver was one of the earliest pioneers of the Kittitas valley, coming here in 1876. Rosetta Curtis was born in Macomb County, Michigan, January 3, 1853. She was married to George W. Carver at Cottonwood Springs, Nebraska, on March 6, 1869. Homestead on Nanum. … Read more