Biography of Harris Winfield Hutchinson

Harris Winfield Hutchinson, deputy state grain inspector at Hutchinson, had been in the grain business the greater part of his active life and had as many and diverse qualifications for his present position as any one could ask. While he had lived at Hutchinson only a few years, he feels that the town had some specially intimate associations for him. It will be recalled that Hutchinson, Kansas, was established in 1871 and named for C. C. Hutchinson. A brother of this Kansas man, Asa Hutchinson, also founded the Town of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Mr. H. W. Hutchinson is related to both … Read more

Biography of Henry R. Honey

Henry R. Honey. A pioneer of North Central Kansas, where be had resided for more than fifty-three years, Henry R. Honey had watched and participated in its growth and development from Indian days and had been variously identified with the movements and institutions which have brought about advanced civilization and the establishment of conditions that make this one of the most prosperous and enlightened sectione of the country. He had been connected prominently with business and finansial affairs, but more partienlarly with journalistic work, and for over two decades had been publisher and proprietor of the Western Advocate, the leading … Read more

Biography of Frank G. Hooper

Frank G. Hooper has lived in Pottawatomie County since 1885. He had shown exceptional ability in accumulating those things which mean a high degree of material prosperity, and for many years was identified with farming and had one of the largest single estates in Pottawatomie County. He is now living zetized at Belvue and is vice president of the Belvue State Bank. Mr. Hooper was born at Palmyra in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, February 16, 1860. His grandparents were George and Elizabeth Hooper, both natives of England. George Hooper was born in 1799 and in 1845 brought his family to the … Read more

Jefferson County, Wisconsin Cemetery Records

Wisconsin Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Wisconsin county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Jefferson County, Wisconsin Cemetery Records Hosted at Jefferson County USGenWeb Archives Project Bethel Welsh Presbyterian Cemetery Cross Lutheran Cemetery St Joseph Cemetery St Paul’s Lutheran Cemetery St Wenceslane Church Cemetery Waterloo City Cemetery Hosted at Jefferson County, Wisconsin WIGenWeb Ebenezer Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Lake Mills Lake Ripley Cemetery Saint John Cemetery Saint Stephens Cemetery Siloam Cemetery Washington Cemetery Welsh … Read more

Wisconsin Gold Star List – Jefferson County

Liberty Bond

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Jefferson County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

Biography of Foster Dwight Coburn

It is no disparagement of the rank and file of that host of Kansas militant farmers who bore the heat and burden of the day and by their aggregate efforts raised Kansas to front rank among American agricultural states, to say that Foster Dwight Coburn is the distinguished leader of them all. He has long held secure a place as “one of the really great men of Kansas.” And like other Kansas great men, his achievements and influence have translated him to a place among the nation’s great men. His position in life is the more interesting because it is … Read more