Biography of George Lord

George Lord, President of the Society of California Pioneers of San Bernardino County, and a representative of the best type of “Forty-niners,” is a native of New York City, and was born June 27, 1800, and consequently was eighty-nine years old his last birthday. His father, George Lord, was a sea captain, who died of yellow fever at quarantine in New York harbor, having contracted the disease in the West Indies, whence his vessel had just returned. The subject of this memoir being left self-dependent went to enlist in mercentile pursuits. Stopping for a time in Louisville, Kentucky, he was … Read more

Biography of Caleb S. Stone, M. D.

Dr. Stone has left the ranks of the many to stand among the more successful few in a profession where advancement depends solely upon individual merit. In other walks of life, especially in commercial circles, one may enter upon a business already established and carry it on from the point where others laid it down, but the physician must rely solely upon his knowledge and ability, and these must be acquired through close and earnest application. That Dr. Stone, of Wallace, is numbered among the leading physicians and surgeons of his section of the state is therefore evidence of his … Read more

Biography of J. Q. Chenoweth

Is a native of Kentucky, born in Louisville, in 1841, and raised manhood by his grand-parents, in Harrison County of that state. In 1872, he resigned his seat in the senate of Kentucky to come into this state, and the loss of Kentucky proved the gain of Texas. He came direct to Bonham and opened his Law Office people of North Texas are acquainted with his history from that time. Before he went into public life in Kentucky, he completed a thorough course of study in the law-office of Elmore, Keys & Gunter, at Montgomery, Ala., after which he was … Read more

Slave Narrative of Joana Owens

Interviewer: Byers York Person Interviewed: Joana Owens Location: Louisville, Kentucky Place of Residence: 520 E. Breckinridge St., Louisville, Kentucky The following is the life and traditions of Joana Owens, 520 E. Breckinridge St., Louisville, Kentucky, an old negro mammy who was born during slavery. “My mother and father was slaves, and there was two children born to them, my sister and me. We used to live at Hawesville, Kentucky, on the Ohio River. My peoples name was Barr, and their masters name was Nolan Barr. You know they all had to take their masters name in slave days. I will … Read more

Slave Narrative of Susan Dale Sanders

Interviewer: Byer York Person Interviewed: Susan Dale Sanders Location: Louisville, Kentucky Place of Birth: Spencer County KY Place of Residence: #1 Dupree Alley, Louisville, Kentucky The following is a story of Mrs. Susan Dale Sanders, #1 Dupree Alley, between Breckinridge and Lampton Sts., Louisville, an old Negro Slave mammy, and of her life, as she related it. “I lived near Taylorsville, Kentucky, in Spencer County, nearly all my life, ‘cept the last fo’ or five yea’s I’se been livin’ here. I was bo’n there in a log cabin, it was made of logs, and it was chinked with clay and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Bidle

George Bidle, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Westfield; was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, Sept. 25, 1833; he remained there until he was 17 years of age; his parents having died in Germany Mr. Bidle emigrated to the United States, landing in New York City in April, 1852, and first went to New Jersey, remaining there four months working upon a farm, after which he went to Louisville, Ky., and worked at the wagon-maker’s trade for two years, when he came to Westfield. Clark Co., Ill., and from there, in the fall of 1865, moved to Coles Co., and settled upon … Read more

Biography of William Henry Luedde, M.D

Not only has Dr. William Henry Luedde gained prominence in his profession, medicine and surgery, in St. Louis, but has also made valuable contribution to many projects based upon the needs of the community and the opportunity for civic betterment and progress. His life story had its beginning August 13, 1876, at Warsaw, Illinois, within one mile of the northeast corner of Missouri, the state in which he has since found his field of service. His grandfather, Peter Luedde, arrived at Alexandria, Missouri, in the spring of 1854, after a precarious voyage in a sailing vessel from Bremen, Germany, to … Read more

Jefferson County, Kentucky Census Records

1790 Jefferson County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Jefferson County, Kentucky KYGenWeb Jefferson County Taxpayers of 1789 Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Jefferson County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Jefferson County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at RootsWeb Census Transcription (Page 1 of 4) Census Transcription (Page 2 … Read more

Biography of James D. Halsey

Any work that purports to give in review the lives of the pioneers and leading citizens of Wallowa County would be quite incomplete were there failure to mention the esteemed and intelligent gentleman and capable and patriotic citizen whose name is at the head of this article and who has wrought for the development and advancement of our county for many years, maintaining meanwhile an unsullied reputation and showing forth a character of moral worth and intrinsic value that has placed him in position to be the recipient of the confidence of his fellows, while his vigor, excellent judgment and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. S. Garner, M. D.

J. S. Garner, M. D., Salisbury; was born in Russell Co., Ky., Oct. 14, 1831; at the age of 18, he went to Lancaster, Garrard Co., Ky., where he studied medicine in the office of J. S. Pierce, M. D., for three years; after which, he attended a course of lectures in Louisville, Ky., and commenced the practice of medicine in Wayne Co., Ky., and continued there up to the year 1863, when, having recruited. Co. K, 48th Regt. Ky. Vols., was elected its First Lieutenant, and, having served for eighteen months in our late civil war, moved to Salisbury, … Read more

Biography of August A. Jekel

August A. Jekel, secretary and treasurer of the Reliable Life & Accident Insurance Company of St. Louis, was born in Germany, April 22, 1867, his parents being Henry and Katherine (Maeser) Jekel, both of whom were natives of Germany, where they were reared and married, the father there following the occupation of farming. Their family numbered five children, two sons and three daughters, of whom all are living, namely: Katherine, the wife of George H. Velten of Germany; Mrs. Bertha Hechler, a widow, living in Germany; August A., who is the third in order of birth; Eliza, the wife of … Read more

Biography of William A. Quigley

William A. Quigley. A varied and eventful career had been that of Mr. Quigley, the efficient and popular cashier of the Kansas National Gas Company in the offices of this corporation at Independence, Montgomery County. Mr. Quigley claims the old Hoosier State as the place of his nativity, was there reared and educated and it was given him to represent that commonwealth as one of the valiant soldiers of the Union during the major portion of the Civil war. His activities in the business world have been diversified and he had been a resident of Kansas for the past thirty … Read more

Biography of Carl Edward Dudley, M.D.

Dr. Carl Edward Dudley, engaged in the general practice of surgery In St. Louis, was born October 23, 1873, in Terre Haute, Indiana, a son of Alvin W. and Sarah (Par. sons) Dudley, who were natives of Massachusetts and of Indiana respectively. In his youthful days Dr. Dudley was a pupil In the public schools of his native city and his boyhood passed without incident or event of particular importance. As he approached man’s estate his consideration of the broad field of business, with its varied opportunities along commercial, industrial, agricultural and professional lines, led him at length to the … Read more

Biography of A. Banks Wilburn, M. D.

Dr. A. Banks Wilburn, engaged in the practice of surgery in St. Louis, was born in Audrain county, Missouri, February 19, 1874, a son of St. Clair and Susan (Coyle) Wilburn. The father was successfully engaged in farming and stock raising for many years in Audrain county but has now passed away. The family numbered fourteen children, nine sons and four daughters, of whom thirteen reached maturity. Dr. Wilburn was educated to the age of fourteen years in the district schools of his native county and spent that period of his life upon the home farm. The family then removed … Read more

Biography of Herman Hecht

Herman Hecht is the secretary and treasurer of Korrekt Klothes, Inc., of St. Louis. The company engages in the manufacture of men’s and young men’s clothing at No. 1633 to 1641 Washington avenue. Mr. Hecht was born in Coblentz, Germany, June 7, 1866, a son of Simon and Henrietta (David) Hecht, the father a well known capitalist of Coblentz. The mother, following the death of her husband, came to America in 1875, settling in Louisville, Kentucky, whence she afterward removed to Paducah, that state, her death there occurring in 1881 when she was sixty years of age. She was the … Read more

Biography of Henry Craig Morrison

Henry Craig Morrison, secretary, treasurer and general manager of the Morrison Lee Mining & Development Company, president of the Contract Waterproofing Company and also secretary of the Arkansas Mining & Mercantile Company, has won a most creditable position in business circles in St. Louis, his native city. He was born July 22, 1888, and is a son of John W. Morrison of St. Louis, whose birth occurred in Georgetown, Kentucky, and who comes of an old family of English lineage. The first representatives of the name landed at Plymouth during the early colonization of Massachusetts, and for a century the. … Read more

Biography of Dr. William H. Ball

Among the noticeable fine orange groves of Riverside is that owned by the above named gentleman. His grove, of twenty acres in extent, is situated on the southeast corner of Cypress and Bandini avenues, about one and one-half miles south of the business centre of Riverside. Dr. Ball purchased the land in 1875, and the next spring commenced its improvement, first planting 800 seedling orange trees and the balance to deciduous fruits: the last named he has since replaced with citrus fruits. At this writing his orange grove comprises 1,150 seedlings and 800 budded trees of the Mediterranean Sweets, Washington … Read more

Biography of Capt. Oliver E. Hindes

CAPT. OLIVER E. HINDES. There are few men in business circles who show as much fitness for their avocation in that they are wide awake, reliable, experienced and energetic as does Capt. Oliver E. Hindes, and there are none who have a more thorough knowledge of the wonderful mineral wealth and fine agricultural lands surrounding Lead Hill, Arkansas, than has he. The Captain has explored the entire mineral region of north Arkansas and south Missouri, and is perhaps more familiar with that field than any other man. He is one of the prominent farmers and land speculators of Lead Hill, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Caleb Summers

Caleb Summers was raised in Montgomery County, Maryland, where he married Rachel Crawford. In 1796 he settled in Jefferson County, Kentucky. His children were Polly, Benjamin, Robert, Thomas, and. Malinda. Robert married his cousin, Grace Summers, and settled in Pike County, Missouri, in 1834. His children were William B., Elizabeth, Caleb L., Noah, Benjamin F., George, Robert A., and Thomas. William B. married the widow Tucker, whose maiden name was Margaret J. Bryan, and settled in Montgomery County in 1840. Caleb L. married Sallie A. Bryan, and settled in Montgomery County in 1840. Benjamin F. married Antoinette Sharp, and settled … Read more

Biography of Fields, W. I.

Who lived many years in Fort Bend County, and died there, and whose remains rest in her soil, was born in Jefferson County, Kentucky, March 2, 1834. In 1855 he went to Howard County, Indiana, and was made a Royal Arch Mason there in 1857. In 1858 Mr. Fields moved to Grayson County, Texas, arriving here in January, but first returned to Kentucky from Indiana before concluding to make Texas his home. During those days the Indians often raided Cook and Montague Counties, and Mr. Fields accompanied several expeditions against them, in which battles were fought of more or less … Read more