Esther Elvira Todd Funk of Independence KS
FUNK, Esther Elvira Todd8, (Silas7, Elam6, Edmund5, Christopher4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 17, 1828, in Mina, Chautauqua County, N. Y., married Feb. 17, 1846, Joseph Alonzo Funk, whose father was a Capt. in the Indian war, was born Nov. 6, 1826, died Jan. 23, 1910. Mrs. Funk taught school about two years when she married. The school house in which she taught, was built of logs, the same as all the dwelling houses. The floor was what they called a punchon floor, that is, logs split and when laid were smoothed off. One desk made of the same material, … Read more