Biography of Stewart P. Rowland

Stewart P. Rowland has devoted the best years of his life to teaching and education in the broader sense, and is now in his tenth consecutive year as superintendent of schools of Reno County. Mr. Rowland had lived in Kansas since early boyhood, having moved there with his parents at an early age. His parents were Perry and Mary E. (Ellison) Rowland. His mother was born about fifteen miles from the City of Liverpool, England, in 1831, and died at her home in Reno Township of Reno County, May 26, 1810. Perry Rowland was born in Noble County, Ohio, in … Read more

Biography of Will Shackelford Thompson

Will Shackelford Thompson has as much as any other citizen during the past twenty years identified himself with those activities which spell the vital and pulsing commercial life of the City of Hutchinson. He possesses that quality so much valued in any community of putting himself in line either as a leader or co-operator with movements and enterprises that are considered essential to the general welfare. Mr. Thompson’s main business at Hutchinson had been as an insurance man. The Thompson family seems to have been generally inclined in that line of work, his father and several of his brothers having … Read more

Biography of Hon. George A. Neeley

Hon. George A. Neeley, of Hutchinson, is one of the younger men of Kansas, but had already gained distinction both in the law and business and as a valiant fighter for the cause of advanced principles in public affairs. Mr. Neeley came into special prominence not only in Kansas but over the nation during his two terms as congressman from the “Big Seventh” district. He was elected on the democratic ticket. In 1910 he was a candidate for the office against the redoubtable E. H. Madison. Madison was elected, but died in September, 1911, before finishing his term. At a … Read more

Biography of John A. Clements

John A. Clements is assistant manager of the Hutchinson, Kansas, plant of the Morton Salt Company. This is the largest salt manufacturing plant in Kansas and the Middle West. It had a daily capacity of 4,000 barrels of pure salt, and it is one of the industries that have given a just fame to Kansas as a salt producing state. The plant of the Morton Salt Company is located two miles southwest of Hutchinson. Its importance as a local industry is indicated by the fact that it employs 275 hands. Mr. Clements is an active young business man and had … Read more

Biography of John R. Beeching

John R. Beeching is a lawyer and since 1910 had been accumulating a large general practice and a rising reputation at the bar of Hutchinson. Mr. Beeching is a native Kansan, and represents a pioneer family in Rush County, where he was born February 19, 1884. His grandfather, Charles Beeching, was an Englishman, born in 1830, was a mechanic by trade, and on coming to America first settled in Connecticut and afterwards moved to Huntington, Indiana, where he died in 1898. Perry Beeching, father of the Hutchinson lawyer, was born in Connecticut in 1858. He was reared at Huntington, Indiana, … Read more

Biography of Vernon M. Wiley

Vernon M. Wiley. It does not require a long memory to make a mental comparison between the present Rorabaugh-Wiley Dry Goods Company, located in its magnificent building, the most conspicuous business structure of Hutchinson, and the 25-foot storeroom which the same parties occupied at the beginning of their mercantile career in this city sixteen years ago. “From small acorns great oaks grow,” is an old saying that finds one of its choicest applications in this successful business. The secretary and treasurer of the Rorabaugh-Wiley Dry Goods Company, Mr. Wiley, is surprisingly young for a man of his position and achievements. … Read more

Biography of D. W. Stevick

D. W. Stevick. The people of Champaign County appreciate the ability and the achievements of D. W. Stevick, chiefly through the medium of his newspaper, The Champaign Daily News. Progress has always been the keynote of Mr. Stevicks life. He has been inspired with “that delightful discontent which the hope of better things inspires,” and this has given meaning and potency to his efforts as a newspaper man. When he came into possession of The Champaign Daily News, he was well aware of the deplorable conditions existing relative to the strongly entrenched liquor forces, and had a thorough understanding of … Read more

Myers, Millie E. – Obituary

Summerville, Union County, Oregon Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at Summerville for Mrs. Millie E. Myers who passed away at a La Grande hospital Saturday night. Mrs. Meyers was the mother of Mrs. Wayne Crow, of Tracy, Calif., who had been with her for several weeks. Mrs. Meyers was born at Hutchinson, Kansas, March 22, 1885, being 55 years of age, and had made her home in the Grande Ronde valley for 52 years. Survivors are her husband, Edgar Clyde Myers; a son, Charles H., Summerville; two daughters, Mrs. Crow, Tracy Cal.; and Mrs. Lawana Carlson, Portland; two brothers, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J.C. O.Morse

J. C. O. Morse, who was the first superintendent of the State Reformatory at Hutchison, a former member of the State Board of Railroad Commissioners and now president of the Kansas Casualty and Surety Company of Wichita, had had a long and prominent career in Kansas. He is an able business man and the efficiency of business characterized all his public work. His name is widely known among financial and business circles, and he had attained that position after beginning life as a Kansas farmer. His home had been in Kansas since he was about thirteen years of age. He … Read more

History of Hutchinson Kansas

Hutchinson a Prairie City in Kansas

Published in 1946 by McCormick-Armstrong Co., Wichita, Kansas, “Hutchinson, a Prairie City in Kansas” is an important historical resource that captures the quintessence of a small city transitioning through time. The author, Willard Welsh, has painstakingly collected stories, facts, and photographs to compose a narrative that preserves the memory of Hutchinson’s development from its early days to an expanding city center.

Biography of Edward Montieth Moore

Edward Montieth Moore, vice president and manager of the Hutchinson Office Supply and Printing Company, is one of the veterans of the newspaper and printing industry at Kansas, and in point of continuous service is one of the oldest men connected with the Hutchinson Daily News. Mr. Moore had spent most of his life in Kansas and is a son of the late Rev. D. M. Moore, D. D., one of the pioneer ministers of the Presbyterian Church in this state. Edward Montieth Moore was born at Greenfield, Ohio, April 27, 1861. His grandfather, Samuel Moore, was a native of … Read more