Biography of Ernest N. Bailey

Ernest N. Bailey, a brother of former Governor W. J. Bailey, reference to whom is made on other pages, had largely concentrated his efforts and businees enterprise at the Town of Baileyville, named for the family, in Nemaha County. Mr. Bailey had been an extensive farmer and stockman, and in later years a grain merchant, and owned the principal grain elevator at Baileyville. He was born in Carroll County, Illinois, June 15, 1857. The Bailey ancestry is English and the Baileys were Colonial settlers in New York. His grandparents, Joshua and Eleeta Bailey, were both born in or near Tieonderoga, … Read more

Biography of Leroy E. Sawin

Leroy E. Sawin. For a young man Leroy E. Sawin had come into large prominence and responeibility in Washington County, where he is now filling the office of county clerk. To this office Mr. Sawin brought qualifications and ability far in advance of his years. He is one of the local men entrusted with the grave responsibility of raising the local quots for the National American Army. He was a member of the registration board of the county and was on the exemption board until removed on account of draft age, sharing that responsibility with Dr. Henry D. Smith and … Read more

Biography of Mathias M. Schmidt

Mathias M. Schmidt, who had spent his life since early childhood in Marshall County, Kansas, had had a very intense career as a teacher, banker, business man and public spirited citizen. He is now in the loan and insurance business at Home City in Marshall County. Mr. Schmidt is not only a practical business man but a scholar of exceptional erudition and had been well fitted for the leadership which he had taken in public affairs. Mr. Schmidt is of German descent and was born at Fort Washington in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin, July 8, 1876. His ancestors all lived in … Read more