Biographical Sketch of William L. Blair

Blair, William L.; railroad business; born, Hamilton, O., Dec. 27, 1858; son of William Henry and Angeline Linn Blair; educated, High School, Hamilton, O.; married, Hamilton, O., November, 1908, Ella Brant Elliott; member Troop A, O. N. G., 1886 to 1897; entered the employ Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton R. R., as telegraph operator, in December, 1872; telegraph operator, train dispatcher and clerk until September, 1880; with N. Y., C. & St. L. R. R. Co. September, 1881, to September, 1893; chief clerk and gen. mgr. September, 1893, to March, 1901; supt. Eastern Division, March, 1901, to October, 1905; supt. Telegraph, … Read more

Slave Narrative of Peter Bruner

Interviewer: Evelyn McLemore Person Interviewed: Peter Bruner Date of Interview: 1936 Location: Kentucky Place of Birth: Winchester, Kentucky, Clark Co. Date of Birth: 1845 ESTILL CO. (Evelyn McLemore) Story of Peter Bruner, a former slave: Peter Bruner, was born in Winchester, Kentucky, Clark Co., in 1845. His master was John Bell Bruner, who at that time treated him fairly well. When Peter was 10 years of age his master brought him and his sister to Irvine. After arriving in Irvine, Peter’s master was very cruel to him. They got only cornbread, fat meat and water to eat. If his master’s … Read more

Biography of Chester Stevens

Chester Stevens, representing a pioneer family in Montgomery County, had been an active factor in local affairs and in the legal profession for the past ten years. He is now serving as county auditor, and also enjoys some influential and profitable connections as a lawyer with offices in Independence. Some of his ancestors fought in the American Revolution, and the Stevens family came from England and settled in New York in colonial times. His grandfather, Chauncey Stevens, was born in New York, and went as a pioneer to the State of Indiana, where he followed farming until his death. Chester … Read more

Biography of Hon. John McGlynn

HON. JOHN McGLYNN. – This influential resident and proprietor of the well-known hotel that bears his name in La Conner, Washington, and whose portrait appears in this history, is a man fitted by nature with qualities that insure success, and which are held in especial esteem among men. With manners suave, a disposition to accommodate, and generous promptings towards his fellows, he greets the stranger, the customer of the friend in a manner indicating the kindness of his own feelings, and which seldom fails to leave with the recipient a desire to do a favor. This is a happy faculty … Read more

Biography of Enos Fitterer

Enos Fitterer was born in Baden, Germany, July 28, 1835, and lived in his native land until 1846, when his parents emigrated to America. They settled on a farm in Butler county, Ohio, and there the subject of this sketch lived and grew to manhood. In 1856 he went to Hamilton, Ohio, to learn the baker’s trade with Messrs. Nutts & Sivers, remained with them some fifteen months, and then located in Carthage, Hancock county, Illinois, where he established himself in the bakery business and carried it on until 1861. In that year he joined the Union army, enlisting in. … Read more

Biography of Casius M. Gay

Casius M. Gay, who is now serving his third term as sheriff of Sequoyah county, is one of the prominent citizens of Sallisaw. He is a southerner by birth, born near Jacksontown, Leslie county, Kentucky, on the 5th of February, 1889, a son of Henry and Arkie (Davidson) Gay, both natives of that state, who are now deceased. The Gay family located in Kentucky prior to the Civil war and was one of the well known families of that state. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Gay five sons and one daughter were born, Casius M. being the second … Read more