Biography of Paul C. Swan

Paul C. Swan, of Washington, is an all around and thorough business man, and had demonstrated his ability to handle many varied enterprises successfully. He is a native of Kansas and had spent most of his active business career in the northern part of the state. His birth occurred in Republic County, August 5, 1868. His grandfather Swan was a Scotchman who immigrated from his native land to Canada. His father, J. W. Swan, was born at Toronto, Ontario, in 1843, and when a boy went with his parents to Wisconsin, where he grew up and married at Stevens Point. … Read more

Biography of James Calvin Morrow

James Calvin Morrow. In the death of James Calvin Morrow, which occurred at Washington July 4, 1912, there passed away one of the men whose works and influence have been most conspicuous in the development of both the City and County of Washington. He was a pioneer in the best sense of the term, a hard worker, a good manager of men, a keen and resoureeful business man, and especially faithful and efficient in the performance of his civic responsibilities and his obligations to friends and family. It is only a matter of simple justice to refer to him as … Read more

Biography of Arnold R. Hoffmann

Arnold R. Hoffmann. It is the business of every man to get ahead in the world, to provide for himself and those dependent upon him, and to perform with all due diligence and faithfulness those duties which are a part of home making and citizenship. From the time he was a boy with a boy’s strength Arnold R. Hoffmann had proved equal to all emergencies and by hard work had become one of the leading business men and stock breeders in Washington County, Kansas. His home is at Haddam. Mr. Hoffmann was born in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, March 14, 1868, but … Read more

Biography of S. T. Yoder

S. T. Yoder, vice president of the Farmers State Bank of Washington, had been a Kansas business man for over thirty years and had acquired many important interests to identify him with Washington County. Mr. Yoder is of the old Pennsylvania stock of Yoders, a family that originated in Switzerland and was planted in Pennsylvania during the very early colonial period in that state. Mr. Yoder himself is a native of Pennsylvania, born in Somerset County May 3, 1851. His father, Benedict Yoder, who was born in the same county, spent his life in that county as an active farmer, … Read more

Legg, Mabel Clare Bowman – Obituary

Mrs. Clare Bowman Legg, fifth child of Martin V. and Adeline Bowman, was born April 23, 1883 at Haddam, Kans. and departed this life at Shattuck, Oklahoma at the age of 83 years, 9 months, and 2 days [January 25, 1967]. At the age of 15, she with her parents moved to Drummond, Okla. and later to a farm near Gage. She was united in marriage to Horace Legg of Gage, Sept. 9, 1906, who preceded her in death June 9, 1942. Mrs. Legg became a Christian at an early age, was baptized and joined the Bethel Baptist Church which … Read more

Biography of William Tecumseh Rooney

William Tecumseh Rooney, a native of Kansas, had had an active career of over thirty years, spent as a farmer, land owner, merchant and business man. His home and business interests for the past twenty years have been at Haddam, and during that time he had become one of the leading factors in the community. Mr. Rooney was born at Leavenworth, Kansas, October 1, 1865, and the name he bears shows that his father was a great admirer of that brilliant Civil war leader General Sherman. His father, Patrick Rooney, was born at Killkeel, County Down, Ireland, August 12, 1828. … Read more

Biography of James Blair Lower

James Blair Lower, president of the First National Bank of Washington, is a banker of long and active experience, and represents a family in which the financial ability had been highly developed, two of his brothers being also well known western bankers. Mr. Lower had spent most of his life in Kansas, but was born at Lenark in Carroll County, Illinois, July 30, 1860. A number of generations back his first American ancestors came out of Europe and settled in Pennsylvania. His father was of German descent and his mother of Irish-Scotch descent, her father being Irish and her mother … Read more

Biography of Edwin W. Shearburn, M. D.

Edwin W. Shearburn, M. D. A resident of Haddam, Kansas, since 1902, Doctor Shearburn is one of the leading physicians and surgeons of Washington County, and in surgery he takes rank among the ablest men of his profession in the state. Doctor Shearburn is of English lineage. His father, George Lionel Shearburn, was born in Yorkshire County, England, in 1818, and grew up and married in his native country, where he followed the business of farming, stock raising and was also a skilled veterinarian. On coming to the United States in 1848 he located on a farm in Macoupin County, … Read more