Biography of Winslow Cipra

Winslow Cipra, editor and proprietor of the Lincoln Sentinel and present postmaster of that city, had spent nearly all his life in Kansas, and had had a varied career of usefuluess as a teacher, business man and in journalism and public affairs. Mr. Cipra represents that sterling stock of Bohemian people who have accomplished so much for the cause of agriculture and development in Kansas. He was born at Teskov, Bohemia, December 8, 1873. His father, Frank Cipra, was born in Zbirov, Bohemia, in October, 1839, grew up and married at Teakov, and followed farming according to the intensive methods … Read more

Biography of Joseph F. Tobias

Joseph F. Tobias has for many years been closely identified with banking in Ellsworth County and is now cashier of the Wilson State Bank. The Wilson State Bank was established under a state charter in 1886 by B. S. and Myron P. Westfall. Its original capital stock was $35,000 and the first officers were: E. E. Parks, president; M. P. Westfall, vice president, and B. S. Westfall, cashier. Its record of thirty years had been a splendid one, reflecting good management and prosperity to its stockholders and patrons. Today the bank had a capital of $40,000, surplus and undivided profits … Read more

Biography of Bartholomew John Bux

Bartholomew John Bux. By many years of industry, directed by sound judgment and thorough common sense, B. J. Bux had become one of the most prosperous citizens of Kansas, owner of many valuable farms, and is now living retired at Meriden, where he is one of the directors of the State Bank. A resident of Kansas since he was six years of age, Mr. Bux was born in St. Clair County, Illinois, January 6, 1864. His people were all Germans, His father, John Bux, was born in Baden, Germany, in 1828, grew up there, and had six years of experience in the … Read more