Biography of Fred M. Watkins, M. D.

Fred M. Watkins, M. D. It is not every individual who possesses in his make-up the characteristics that make for success in widely diversified callings, but in the person of Dr. Fred M. Watkins there is found a combination of qualities that have brought him equal success in the profession, in business undertakings and in the vocation of farming, and he has likewise made an important place for himself in the field of politics. Dr. Fred M. Watkins, president of the Cherryvale Ice and Cold Storage Company, of Cherryvale, Kansas, was born November 22, 1868, at Lawton, Van Buren County, … Read more

Biography of James B. Roberts, M. D.

James B. Roberts, M. D. A physician and surgeon of broad and successful experience, Dr. James B. Roberts had practiced for many years in Kansas, and had long been the leader in professional circles at Goff in Nemaha County. Doctor Roberts was born in Newton County, Indiana, February 18, 1857. His Roberts’ ancestors came originally from Wales and were pioneers in the State of Indiana. His father, Thomas Roberts, was born in that state in 1823 and became a pioneer in the northwestern part of the state in Newton County, where he followed farming until his death in 1858, when … Read more

Biography of John Child Maxson, M. D.

John Child Maxson, M. D. For over twenty-four years Doctor Maxson had practiced his profession in Kansas and is now located at Corning, where as a physician and surgeon of thorough attainments he had an extensive practice. His family were early settlers in Sonthern and Southeastern Kansas. Doctor Maxson is in the tenth generation from the immigrant of the family from England to the American colonies. The founder of the Maxson family in this country was Richard Maxson. Doctor Maxson’s grandfather, James Maxson, spent his life as a farmer in Alleghany County, New York. James S. Maxson, father of Doctor … Read more