Biography of John M. Copeland

John M. Copeland is one of the three survivors of that group of pioneers who constituted the original settlement of Glasco in Cloud County. His name had been closely identified with the pioneer history of that loeality for more than forty-five years. His part had been an honorable one, had been useful both in what he had accomplished as a private citizen and as a business man and public spirited factor in local affairs. Apart from his service as a soldier during the Civil war his life had not been one of conspicuous activities, and his accomplishments have come through … Read more

Biography of James M. Teasley

James M. Teasley was born in Whitfield County, Georgia, in 1858, a son of Allen D. and Rhoda M. Teasley. The Teasley family came to Kansas in 1866, when James was about eight years of age. They came by way of Nashville, Tennessee, to St. Louis, thence by boat to Kansas City and reached the Solomon Valley by wagon and team. The Teasleys settled in a portion of Cloud County south of what is now called the Town of Glasco. The first homestead of the family is now the Charles Horn Place. Mr. James M. Teasley is of English origin, his … Read more

Biography of Riley Louthan V. S.

Riley Louthan, V. S. As more and more importance is paid every year to the handling of live stock on the farms of Kansas, so in proportion is the profession of veterinary surgery appreciated and increased in its scope of usefulness. It is through that profession that Riley Louthan is best known in the community of Glasco in Cloud County. He is a self-made man, in as much as he had succeeded in building up for himself a large practice under very discouraging circumstances. His knowledge of veterinary surgery might be called a natural product of experience and books. Such … Read more