Biography of Henry A. Ainsworth

Henry A. Ainsworth, president of the Moline Trust and Savings Bank, and president of the Williams & White Company, manufacturers of steam hammers and other special tools, is classed among the truly representative citizens of Moline, and dates his residence there since 1870. He is a native of Vermont, born in Williamstown, September 28, 1833. His father, Calvin Ainsworth, was also a native of Vermont, born in Brookfield, but in early life moved to Williamstown, where for fifty years he was a general merchant, well and favorably known in all that section of the country. He married Miss Laura Lynde, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry Ainsworth

Among the leading manufacturers of Moline, Illinois, is Mr. Harry Ainsworth, vice-president of Williams, White & Company, manufacturers of heavy machine tools. Mr. Ainsworth was born at Geneseo, Illinois, May 9, 1862. He is the son of Henry A. Ainsworth (whose biography appears in this book) and Sarah A., his wife. He was educated in Oberlin College (class of 1884) and Harvard Law School (class of 1887). Although admitted to the bar of the State of Illinois, Mr. Ainsworth never practiced, but instead entered the office of Williams, White & Company with his father, where he has continued ever since … Read more

Biographical Sketch of De Witt Clinton Dimock

This pioneer Moline business man and sterling citizen was born October 1, 1820, at Wellington, Connecticut. He came west and located at Geneseo, Illinois. in 1840, taking up his residence in Moline in 1843. His activities as a manufacturer began in 1852 when he formed a partnership with Judge John M. Gould for the making of furniture and wooden ware. On the incorporation of the firm of Dimock, Gould & Company, in 1869, he was elected its president. This position he held till 1884, when he retired from the head of the concern, retaining his connection through the office of … Read more

Biography of Henry Howland Chase, M. D.

Holding in high estimate the duties and responsibilities which his position involved, and more than ordinarily successful as a medical practitioner surgeon, Dr. Henry H. Chase is well remembered in Rock Island, the city in which he spent the later years of his life. He was an American of the highest type, and of purest blood, as well. His lineage on both sides is traceable for many generations back on American soil. His mother is a direct descendant of John Howland of Mayflower fame. His father was a relative of the late Chief Justice Chase of the United States Supreme … Read more

Biography of Guy V. Pettit

In none of the walks of life, perhaps, does the personality of the man impress itself so thoroughly upon the public with which he deals as in the case of the editor of a country newspaper. While he does not reach the thousands that the editor of a metropolitan daily does, he offsets this disadvantage through the close personal relations he sustains with his patrons and thereby his position in the community is rendered the more difficult of the two to maintain. While the head of the news gathering department of a big paper may strike right and left with … Read more