Biography of James Leonard Gibbs

James Leonard Gibbs, county assessor of Mayes county, has the distinction of being the first republican ever elected to the office of assessor in this county. He assumed office on the 3d of January, 1921, for a term of two years. Mr. Gibbs was born at Eagle Mills, Lawrence County, Tennessee, on the 15th of August, 1.863, a son of A. B. and Evelyn (Shannon) Gibbs, both of whom are deceased. For many years the father was a builder and contractor in Tennessee and at the close of the Civil war removed to Illinois. In 1880 he went to Cherryvale, … Read more

Biography of William H. Holt

William H. Holt came to Kansas a number of years ago as a railway employee, but soon took up banking and had had a wide experience in that field, partly in Kansas and partly in Northwestern Texas, and is now cashier of the Central National Bank of Ellsworth. This is one of the largest and most substantial banks in Southern Kansas. Mr. Holt was born at Grafton, West Virginia, August 2, 1879. His ancestors came originally out of England and were colonial settlers in Virginia. His father, James W. Holt, was born at Kingwood in Preston County, West Virginia, in … Read more

Legg, Mabel Clare Bowman – Obituary

Mrs. Clare Bowman Legg, fifth child of Martin V. and Adeline Bowman, was born April 23, 1883 at Haddam, Kans. and departed this life at Shattuck, Oklahoma at the age of 83 years, 9 months, and 2 days [January 25, 1967]. At the age of 15, she with her parents moved to Drummond, Okla. and later to a farm near Gage. She was united in marriage to Horace Legg of Gage, Sept. 9, 1906, who preceded her in death June 9, 1942. Mrs. Legg became a Christian at an early age, was baptized and joined the Bethel Baptist Church which … Read more