Biography of Ziba Hibbard Moore

The late Ziba Hibbard Moore was for many years a prominent figure in Marshall County, and died at Oketo December 19, 1916. He was born near Avondale in Chester County, Pennsylvania, March 14, 1845. He grew up in his native community, was married in Adams County, Pennsylvania, and in early life followed the trade of carpenter. In 1875 he went to the Indian reservation in Gage County, Nebraska, and was employed as a carpenter by the Indian Agency. In the fall of 1879 he removed to Oketo, Kansas, and was a merchant there until he established his bank in 1889. … Read more

Cousins, Arthur E. – Obituary

Arthur E. Cousins, 93, a retired sheepherder and farmer, died Aug. 16 at the local hospital. He was the son of Samuel J. and Elizabeth Cousins and was born April 24, 1877 in Pickrell, Neb. He came to Wallowa County 83 years ago. Graveside services were today (Tuesday) at 2 p.m. in the Enterprise cemetery, with Rev. Lester T. Wells officiating. He has no known survivors. Wallowa County Newspaper, August 18, 1970 Contributed by: Dixie Ricker

Biography of Mrs. Alice M. (Beachly) Berkeley

Mrs. Alice M. (Beachly) Berkeley. Talented in music and a leading spirit in the activities that make the modern woman who had social advantages very different from her sisters of some years ago, Mrs. Alice M. (Beachly) Berkeley, of Burr Oak, needs no introduction to many residents of Jewell County. For a number of years she had occupied, her beautiful and hospitable home, which is situated on the corner of Lewis and Water streets, Burr Oak, and is one of this city’s most esteemed and admired ladles. Mrs. Berkeley was born at Meyeradale, Pennsylvania, and is a daughter of G. … Read more

Old Cemetery, Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska

Cemetery established March 14, 1868 ABELL, JOHN EMERY, born March 28, 1837, died April 1, 1902 ABELL, MARY ELLEN FULLER, his wife, born Jan. 21, 1841, died April 4, 1913 ANDREAS, JOHANN, born in Kl. Mansdorf, West Preussen, 8′ September, 1802, died Mount Pleasant, Iowa, 11th January, 1877 ANDREAS, FRAU ANNA, born Krebsfelde, W. Preussen, 28th March, 1811, died Beatrice, Nebraska, 12th April, 1900 ANDREWS, DAVID W., born Feb. 26, 1824, died April 24, 1903. Co. D, 12th Ohio Cavalry AYRES, JAMES L., born May 11, 1810, died Dec. 11, 1892, aged 82 years and 7 months AYRES, PATIENCE, born … Read more

Cussins, Leander Roy – Obituary

Wallowa County Man Stricken Leander Roy Cussins, 86, a retired farmer and sheepherder, and resident of Wallowa County for the past 73 years, died at his home near Lostine last Sunday. Graveside services were held today at 11 a.m. in the Lostine cemetery with the Rev. A .L. Kintner officiating. Mr. Cussins was born in Beatrice, Neb., the son of Samuel J. and Elizabeth Cussins. He had never married. Survivors include a brother, Arthur Cussins, and a sister, Mrs. Odelia Jacobs, both of Enterprise, Roy, Eugene and Irvin Gastin of Wallowa, are among the nephews and Mrs. Sylvia Bales of … Read more

Biography of Fred W. Reed

Fred W. Reed is publisher and proprietor of the Beattie Eagle, a paper of independent proclivities, issued weekly and with a large circulation and influence in Marshall and surrounding counties. The Eagle is a continuation of the North Star, founded at Beattie in 1884 by A. J. Tucker. In 1885 the name was changed to the Star, with W. W. Brooks as editor. In 1891 the name was changed to Williamson’s Beattie Eagle, and in 1894 was shortened to Beattle Eagle. In 1902 it absorbed the Beattie Palladium, which had been founded in 1898 by J. M. Kendall. Mr. Reed … Read more

Biography of Milo Eugene Davis

Milo Eugene Davis, of San Bernardino, was born in the city of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1841. His father, Asa M. Davis, was a Vermont Yankee, and married a French lady by the name of Salinas. When Eugene was a lad of twelve years, they moved from Ohio to Nebraska, then a wild frontier territory, and settled in Beatrice, which place Mr. Davis laid out and named. Their nearest neighbor lived thirty miles distant, and the city of Omaha was then but a mere hamlet. Mr. Davis died years ago upon the homestead he then founded, and being a distinguished Mason, … Read more

Ruth Miriam Todd of Portland OR

Ruth Miriam, b. Jan. 29, 1894, she is a college graduate and was athletic editor her senior year, is a member of the largest athletic clubs in America, has recently been elected as teacher of physical culture and English in two splendid High schools. Ruth began life in a beautiful little villa by the banks of the Blue River at Blue Springs, Neb. and her arrival was heralded by the gift of a home, and half a car-load of supplies of all kinds of provisions that came over the Burlington Railroad–a bountiful and most generous consideration from her father’s people … Read more

Cussins, George Oscar – Obituary

George (Dock) Cussins Passes at LaGrande George Oscar (Dock) Cussins, for 53 years a resident of Wallowa county, died at the Grande Ronde hospital yesterday morning as the result of a heart ailment which had followed a siege of bronchial pneumonia suffered by Mr. Cussins last winter. Last Thursday Mr. Cussins was taken to the hospital by his nephew, Roy Gastin, and his condition gradually grew worse until the end came. No funeral arrangements had been made late yesterday, pending the arrival of a sister and brothers. Mr. Cussins was born in Beatrice, Neb., in September, 1870, and when a … Read more

Cussins, Norris – Obituary

World War Vet Dies in Portland Norris Cussins, 54, World war veteran, died at the Veteran’s hospital at Portland Saturday morning. He was born November 14, 1886 in Gage County, Neb., and came to Oregon at the age of two years. He spent most of his life on the Cussins’ homestead a mile west of Lostine. He entered the World war and spent 18 months over seas. He was taken to the Veterans’ hospital in Walla Walla last summer and later transferred to the Veterans’ hospital at Portland. He was buried at Portland. Funeral services were held in Portland for … Read more

Biography of Edmund Woodbridge Buffon

E. W. Buffon. For the greater part of twenty years Edmund Woodbridge Buffon had been engaged in educational work and is now superintendent of the city schools of Centralia. He is a highly educated gentleman and had made his influence a decided factor in Nemsha County in other ways than as a school man. Mr. Buffon was born at Beatrice, Nebraska, November 30, 1875, but had lived in Kansas since early childhood. His ancestry goes back to Denmark. His great-grandrather came from that country and settled in one of the New England states. Mr. Buffon’s grandfather, George Buffon, was born … Read more

Cousins, Arthur E. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Cousins, 93, a retired sheepherder and farmer, died Aug. 16 at the local hospital. He was the son of Samuel J. and ElizabethCousins and wa born April 24, 1877 in Pickrell, Neb. He came to Wallowa County 83 years ago. Graveside services were today (Tuesday) at 2 p.m. in the Enterprise cemetery, with Rev. Lester T. Wells officiating. He has no known survivors. August 18, 1970

Biography of John Franklin Haskell

John Franklin Haskell is the Topeka and Kansas representative of the greatest creamery organization in America. He is general manager and vice president of the Beatrice Creamery Company, consolidated, with headquarters in Topeka. Both he and his brother George Everett have long been prominently identified with this business. His brother George E., who is president of the Beatrice Creamery Company, lives in Chicago. George was the founder of the industry at Beatrice, Nebraska, about 1890. He pushed the enterprise with so much success that it soon outgrew the limits of its home city, but the company still bears the name … Read more

Biography of H. V. Lowe

H. V. Lowe, proprietor of the telephone exchange at Ramona and an alert and energetic business man, whose connection with various interests is at all times beneficial to the enterprises which he represents, was born in Sydney, Iowa, on the 18th of May, 1878. His father, James Lowe, was a native of Ohio and during the early boyhood of his son H. V. Lowe, he removed with his family to the old Indian reservation in what is now Gage County, Nebraska, settling at Beatrice. There he still resides at the advanced age of seventy-nine years. His wife, who bore the … Read more

Biography of A. J. Whitmore

A. J. Whitmore is an old timer in Kansas, having been identified with this state most of the time since 1885. He has been well known both in business and in public affairs, and for a number of years has lived in Tepeka. He was born in Lake County, Illinois, in 1859. His father William D. Whitmore was born in Seneca County, Ohio, in 1836, a son of James Whitmore, who was born in Lockport, New York, in 1794. James Whitmore was an early settler in Ohio, and in 1837 took his family to Illinois and secured a homestead in … Read more

Cussins, Frank Albert – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Death Comes Suddenly To Frank Cussins, Pioneer Lostine Resident Frank Albert Cussins, one of Wallowa County’s pioneers, died Friday, December 18, 1836 at his home, one and a half miles northwest of Lostine, where he had lived most of his life. He came here in 1881 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Cussins having been born at Beatrice, Nebraska September 20, 1868. Mr. Cussins had been in poor health for some time, but was able to be about until the day of his death. On Friday he walked to his neighbor Burl Caudle’s to … Read more

Biography of J. Bruce Dick

J. Bruce Dick is a banker by profession, but during his career of thirty-two years had made a record of creditable performance in several lines of work, farming as well as commercial endeavors. He is now cashier of the Labette State Bank at Labette. He is of Irish ancestry. His grandfather was born near Belfast, Ireland, was married in his native country and then brought his family to America, following his trade as mechanic in Philadelphia, and from there moving to Hanover, Illinois, where he spent the rest of his days as a farmer. His children were: Robert, a retired … Read more

Gastin, Kate May – Obituary

Kate Gastin Laid To Rest Here Wednesday Funeral services for Kate May Gastin were held Wednesday afternoon at the Christian church in Wallowa with the Rev. Floyd E. White of Joseph in charge. Burial was at the Wallowa cemetery beside her husband, James B. Gastin, who died in1924. Mrs. Gastin was 81 years of age. Though her strength and activity was somewhat reduced since the death of a daughter about a year ago, she remained active in her daily duties to the very hour of her death. Her son, Roy, with whom she lived, had been at home until 2 … Read more