Slave Narrative of Bill Austin

Interviewer: Martin Richardson Person Interviewed: Bill Austin Location: Greenwood, Florida Bill Austin – he says his name is NOT Williams – is an ex-slave who gained his freedom because his mistress found it more advantageous to free him than to watch him. Austin lives near Greenwood, Jackson County, Florida, on a small farm that he and his children operate. He says that he does not know his age, does not remember ever having heard it. But he must be pretty old, he says, “cause I was a right smart size when Mistuh Smith went off to fight.” He thinks he … Read more

Gadsden County Florida Cemetery Records

Florida Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Florida county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Gadsden County Cemetery Records Hosted at Gadsden County Florida USGenWeb Gadsden County, Florida, Tomb Index Gadsden Co Florida Cemeteries – Addendum(to late to put in index) A thru B C thru D E thru G H thru J K thru M N thru Q R thru S T thru Z Killed in the explosion of the CSS Chattahoochee Barber Cemetery, … Read more