Walter Bradford Todd of Fort Myers FL

Walter Bradford Todd8, (William S.7, David6, Titus5, Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Jan. 4, 1880, in Ridgefield, Conn., married in 1903, Lucy M., daughter of Robert Jay Walsh. He attended the primary grades of the public schools in Ridgefield, Conn. In 1893, he became a student at Kings School in Stamford, Conn. In Nov., 1896, he secured a position in the Greenwich Trust Company, of Greenwich, Conn., and in 1906 he became its treasurer, which position he held for several years. In 1919, he was living at Fort Myers, Fla. Children: 2335. Ruth Bradford, b. April 5, 1908. 2336. Anna … Read more

The Archaic Period of Lake Okeechobee

American Mastadon

Archaeologists define the Archaic Period in southern Florida as lasting from around 7500 BC to around 500 BC. During the first half of this period, there were (in geological time) rapid environmental changes in the Florida Peninsula. In the latter half of this period, there were rapid cultural changes in Southeastern North America, but it is not known at the present time how completely those changes were manifested in southern Florida. A cultural connection between the Lake Okeechobee Basin and northeast Georgia remains little known, both inside and outside the archaeology profession. The Younger Dryas Stadial was a (1,300 ± … Read more

Biography of Alonzo Beal

Few men have prospered in a greater degree than Alonzo Beal of Shawnee County. He came to Kansas when a boy, had a varied routine of experiences as a farm laborer, renter, western cowboy, and finally settled down to a carser which had brought him to a place where he is one of the largest land owners and cattlemen operators in this section of Kansas. He was born near Newtown in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, November 20, 1862, one of ten children, seven of whom are still living. His parents were Harlan and Cynthia (Ashor) Beal. His father, who was a … Read more