Biography of Robert S. Ritchie

Robert S. Ritchie. As in the war the burden of arms falls largely upon the youth of the nation, so to an increasing degree in America the heaviest responsibilities of business have likewise fallen upon those who are young and vigorous, with enthusiasm undimmed and with energies undiminished. Among this class of young and aggressive business men of Champaign County mention should be made of Robert S. Ritchie, who for a number of years has been successfully identified with agricultural operations and with the grain business at Foosland in northwestern Champaign County. With the exception of his college career, practically … Read more

Biography of Egbert Shields

Egbert Shields. Among the men who during the past half century have done their full share in the agricultural development of Champaign County is Robert Shields, who for the past ten years has been a valued resident of the village of Foosland. He was born in Washington County, New York, September 25, 1842, and is the fifth in order of birth of nine children, five sons and four daughters, born to Francis and Agnes (Oliver) Shields. Three of the sons reside in Champaign County, one in Ontario, Canada, one in Florida, and one in Chicago, Illinois. Francis Shields and his … Read more

Biography of Joseph E. Lowery, M. D.

Joseph E. Lowery, M. D. As a competent physician and surgeon Doctor Lowery has been known in Champaign County for a number of years. He began practice over thirty years ago, his early experience in the profession being in the State of Iowa. Doctor Lowery is a native of Stark County, Ohio, where he was born November 13, 1861. His parents, Joseph and Mary (Simmons) Lowery, were natives of Pennsylvania. His father was a farmer and school teacher. In 1869 the family located in McLean County, Illinois, and in 1882 went to Greene County, Iowa, where Joseph Lowery died in … Read more