Biography of Howard W. Hosford

HOWARD W. HOSFORD, who has risen from humble beginnings to the position of general manager of the Norwood Manufacturing Company, of Florence, a village of Northampton, Massachusetts, has also given of his valued services, technical knowledge and administrative capacity to his home city, having served four consecutive terms twelve years, as a member of the City Water Commission, a body whose offices and powers are of immense importance to the domestic, industrial and civic life as well as to the healthfulness of the community in general. In performing this duty to the city, Mr. Hosford has exhibited the dependable and … Read more

Ira Gardner Todd of Hampshire County MA

Ira Gardner Todd8, (Iru S.7, Justus6, Asa5, Gershom4, Gershom3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Oct. 2, 1837, in Northampton, Mass., died Aug. 22, 1894, in Bridgeport, Conn. He, his wife and daughter are buried in Spring Grove Cemetery, Florence, Mass., he married Dec. 4, 1866, Esther Luella, daughter of Jeremiah and Laura P. (Ellis) Boyden, who was born July 22, 1849, died Sept. 15, 1913, in Oak Bluffs, Mass. He was a machinist by trade and worked at it for several years in Florence, Mass. In 1881, he went to Bridgeport, Conn., where he secured a position and was followed the next … Read more

Biography of John Francis Mariz

JOHN FRANCIS MARIZ – A man who by his devotion to his business in real estate matters has made his name and methods very favorably and popularly known throughout the western part of the State, as representing reliability of the highest type, John Francis Mariz, long established in Northampton, is an all-round business man who thoroughly knows his territory and his patrons. From the outset of his career he has made it a point to carry on business in the public interest, and that principle has been maintained by him in all his valued associations with civic and community projects. … Read more

Biography of George Herbert Burnham

GEORGE HERBERT BURNHAM – Walter Le Veutre came to England at the time of the Conquest, in 1066, in the train of his cousin-german, Earl Warren, sonin-law of William the Conqueror. He was lord of the Saxon village of Burnham and others, and from Burnham, where he lived, he was known as De Bumham. He took his surname from this town. The name is often spelled Burnam, Bernam, and Barnham, as well as Burnham, and in the old Anglo-Saxon, Beornham, Byrnhom, and in other forms. In the old Norse the name is Bjorn, which in Anglo-Saxon is Beorn, and Burn … Read more

Biography of Allen Churchill Warner

ALLEN CHURCHILL WARNER-Away back in the days when Britain was a savage country the name Warner appears. In these days there were some tribes who lived in the southwestern part of what is now England, and who were more cultured than the savage races who surrounded them. These civilized peoples had to be constantly on the alert against the barbarians, and it was necessary for them to have outposts to guard against sudden attack These outposts, selected for their quick mentality and physical ability, were called “warners.” Since then the name has been well known in England and America, and … Read more

Biography of Homer Crane Bliss

The ancient prestige of the Bliss family is shared in full by Homer Crane Bliss, of Florence, Massachusetts, assistant treasurer of the Corticelli Silk Company. Mr. Bliss was born in Springport, Michigan, April 30, 1868. His father was George Porter Bliss and his mother Susan V. (Crane) Bliss. The first of the name of whom there is any trustworthy record was Thomas Bliss, of Belstone Parish, in the county of Devonshire, England. Thomas and George, his sons, and Thomas, a nephew, the eldest son of the first Thomas Bliss, and a son of Jonathan Bliss, came to America and are … Read more

Biography of August Bauman

August Bauman. Because of their variety and importance, the interests which have engrossed the attention and abilities of August Bauman have brought him to the very forefront among the business men of Neodesha, with which city he had been most prominently identified for about thirty years. For the most part he is now directing his energies toward the advancement of his huge grain business, but various other interests also have the benefit of his sound advice and judgment. Mr. Bauman’s extensive connections have necessarily made him a very busy man, yet he had never found himself too actively employed in … Read more

Biography of John Timothy Powers

JOHN TIMOTHY POWERS is one of the prominent business men, public officials and citizens of Florence, a suburb of Northampton, Hampshire County’s capital. He is a leader in educational, recreational, political and fraternal circles. He has served as alderman from the Seventh Ward, and is a member of the Florence Recreation Commission. His business is groceries and provisions. John Timothy Powers was born in Florence, the son of John Powers, who was born in Tipperary, Ireland, in 1828, and died on August so, 1898. John Powers came to the United States when nineteen years old, settled in Hatfield, Hampshire County, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Clement L. Lawley

CLEMENT L. LAWLEY-A noteworthy figure in the present-day advance of Florence, Massachusetts, is Clement L. Lawley, who has been active in this community for many years, and, in fact, has spent his entire career thus far in the local postal service. Mr. Lawley is interested in various branches of fraternal and community advance, and commands the esteem and confidence of all. He is a son of George M. and Silvia M. (Stockwell) Lawley. Clement L Lawley was born in Williamsburg, Massachusetts, February 21, 1887. The family removing to Florence in his childhood, he first attended the local schools, then covered … Read more