Protestant Cemetery, Fairmont, Fillmore County, Nebraska

One June 2, 1879, the B. & M. R. R. Co. issued a warranty deed to the city of Fairmont, Nebr., for a consideration of $120 to the ten acres (40 rods by 40 rods) in the south west comer of the south east quarter of section 29, township 8, range 3. This cemetery is located approximately one mile south east of Fairmont. Among those buried here are: ALDRICH, MRS. P. M. b. 1834, d. 1876. AMMERMAN, JOHN MASON b. Apr. 12, 1802, Newburg, N. Y., d. May 8, 1885. (Real Son). BINGHAM, ELI b. May 7, 1817, d. Apr. … Read more

Horton Cemetery, Fairmont, Fillmore County, Nebraska

Horton Cemetery is located on the northeast corner of the south-east quarter of section two, township eight, range two, seven and onehalf miles northeast of Fairmont. The plot was donated by Jonathan Horton. There is a total of sixty-one graves. Cemetery is fenced. The thirty-seven marked graves are: ATTKINSON, FRANK, d. Mch. 27, 1883, age 4 yrs., 20 days. BAIR, MATTIE, d. Oct. 28, 1875 age 8 mos., 5 days. BIVENS, JOHNEY, b. July 11, 1882, d. Dec. 9, 1883. BIVENS, EARL, d. Nov. 10, 1886, age 1 yr., 2 mo., 21 days. BIVENS, MINERVA, b. Sept. 13, 1868, d. … Read more

Catholic Cemetery, Fairmont, Fillmore County, Nebraska

The plot for this cemetery was donated by Timothy Fitzpatrick and was platted by John D. Jenkins in 1876-1877. It is located on the northwest quarter of section 29, one-half mile east of Fairmont, Nebr. Approximately 30 graves are marked. Among those interred here are: CONRY , John B. b. 1803, Ireland, d. Sept. 4, 1883, aged 80 yrs., 2 mos., 11 days COLMAN, John b. 1832, Ireland, d. 1902. FITZPATRICK, Timothy b. June 8, 1840, Ireland, d. May 9, 1915. JENKINS, John D. b. Nov. 15, 1846, England, d. May 14, 1897. LYNCH, Andrew b. Feby. 2, 1825, Ireland, … Read more

Biography of George F. Zerzan, M. D.

George F. Zerzan, M. D. With his home and practice at Holyrood since 1905, Doctor Zerzan is a man of conspicuous success not only in his profession but by the rapidity with which he had accumalated important business interests. Doctor Zerzan is not yet forty and it would seem that his substantial achiovements to date predieate a splendid success as the form of his life’s activities. Doctor Zerzan was born at Schuyler, Nebraska, August 23, 1878. He is of Bohemian parentage and ancestry. His grandfather, Joseph Zerzan, was born in Bohemia in 1818, served his time in the Bohemian army, … Read more