Berland, Louis – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Louis Berland, Wallowa county pioneer, died Sunday, April 9 at the home of his daughter, Louisa Day, in Enterprise. Berland was born in Norway, March 25, 1849. He came to the United States at the age of 16 with only 10 cents in his pocket. He worked as a cobbler for many years and while living in Rushford, Minn, he married Isabelle Gulickson. To this union eight children were born, five of whom survive. In 1891 he moved with his family to Paradise, Ore. In 1896 he moved to Enterprise where he owned a harness and shoe … Read more

Morris R. Todd of Preston MN

Morris R. Todd9, (Joseph N.8, Jonah7, Abraham6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Sept. 6, 1850, at Cross River, N. Y., died June 20, 1900, married(???)Greenleaf. She was living in Preston, Minn. Children: 2706. Maurice R., b. Feb. 21, 1884; lived in St. Paul, Minn., unmarried in 1912. 2707. Damon G., b. May 22, 1893; lived in Preston, Minn., unmarried in 1912.

Champ, Cora A. Eells – Obituary

Mrs. Cora A. Champ, aged 78 years, and a resident of the Winlock community for the past sixty-four years, passed away at her home in Winlock Tuesday morning, October 13, following an illness of two weeks. She was born March 3, 1864, in Spring Valley, Minnesota, and came to WA Territory with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Eels, in 1879, settling near Toledo. She was married May 1, 1881 to John H. Champ whose parents came by covered wagon from Indiana in 1861. Mr. Champ died in 1915. They were the parents of ten children, only three of whom … Read more

Biography of Alfred Quincy Wooster

Alfred Quincy Wooster. At some time in the life of almost every normal American boy there comes a longing for a “printing outfit.” It is a temporary phase of youth. Sometimes it is satisfied by an indulgent parent who buys a toy press and font of type and the production of a few ink smeared cards is about as far as the son usually gets in mastering the printing trade. Other boys satisfy themselves with work around a real printing office, as a devil, and from this class is recruited some of the real editors and printers of the country. … Read more

Biography of Rees E. Thomas

Rees E. Thomas has for a number of years been one of those active business leaders at Burrton who carry many responsibilities having to do not only with his individual prosperity but with the welfare of the entire community. Mr. Thomas first knew Burrton, Kansas, as a boy, but had spent his life in many different localities. He was born in Fillmore County, Minnesota, April 2, 1877. His father, William R. Thomas, who died at Burrton, Kansas, in December, 1913, was a very capable worker and business man, and his spirit of enterprise caused him to taste new experiences in … Read more