Biography of Alfred F. Barnett

Alfred F. Barnett was born in Mercer County, Kentucky, November 23,1816, and lived there two years, when his parents, Zacharius and Nancy Burnett, migrated to Missouri and settled near Fayette, Howard County. There he was reared, and lived until 1847, when he removed to Daviess county and settled on a farm in Jefferson township, continuing in agricultural pursuits for two years. In 1849 he came to Gallatin and engaged in the mercantile business with R. S. Owings, under the firm name of Barnett & Owings, and continued in the business until the summer of 1851, when he retired from the … Read more

Biography of Ollie Ezekiel Reed

Ollie Ezekiel Reed. By his work as well as by his position Ollie E. Reed is one of America’s foremost authorities on dairy husbandry. He holds that chair in the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan. While Professor Reed has contributed extensively to standard works on agriculture and stock raising, all his writings bear the earmarks of practical experience, and the value of his teaching has been largely as practical demonstrator of the most effective methods to be employed particularly in dairy husbandry. He has always lived in close touch with the soil and its products. He was born on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Clarence L. Samuel

(See Adair, McNair and Downing)-Carrie M. Mayes born January 27, 1880. Graduated from Howard Payne College, Fayette, Missouri, in 1891. Married January 29, 1909 Clarence L. Samuel, born March 23, 1876. They are the parents of: Clarence L born December 26,1909; Martha Elizabeth born March 10, and Samuel Charles Samuel, born Feb. 22, 1916 and died May 9, 1917. David Vann, born January 1, 1800, married Martha McNair, born September 1. He was murdered on December 23, and his widow died in March 1875. They were the parents of: Clement Neeley brilliant attorney, Lieutenant Colonel in the Confederate service and … Read more

Biography of Emmett R. North, M. D.

Dr. Emmett R. North, a St. Louis oculist of highly developed skill and proficiency along professional lines, was born in Labaddie, Missouri, October 13, 1877, his parents being Eugene Benton and Mary Sale (Pipkin) North, both representatives of old Missouri families. The father is now deceased. The North family was founded in America prior to the Revolutionary war by one of the name who settled in Virginia. The grandfather of Dr. North was Flavius Josephus North, who came to Missouri in the early part of the nineteenth century and served as a member of the first Missouri state legislature. The … Read more

Biography of Robert E. McFarland

Robert E. McFarland, late incumbent of the responsible position of attorney general of Idaho, by his faithful and capable discharge of duty won the highest commendation. Thoroughly versed in the principles of jurisprudence, he was well fitted to handle the intricate problems which presented themselves for solution, and his success affords the best evidence of his capabilities. He is a native of Missouri, born in Independence, November 21, 1857. The family is of Scotch lineage, the first American ancestors having crossed the Atlantic in colonial days and actively participated in the events which form the history of that epoch. They … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Romulus E. Culver

Romulus E. Culver, attorney at law of St. Joseph, Missouri, was born in Plattsburg, this state, on the 12th of January, 1865, his parents being William L. and Augusta V. (McMichael) Culver. He acquired his education, after completing his public school course, in Central College at Fayette, Missouri, where he won his Bachelor of Philosophy degree in 1885, and in Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tennessee, where the LL. B. degree was conferred upon him in 1887. Through the intervening period, covering more than a third of a century, he has continuously engaged in the practice of law and has won … Read more

Biography of George W. King, M.D.

GEO. W. KING, M.D. – The early life of Doctor King of Pendleton was made dark by the terrible days of the Rebellion; and the recital of his early efforts to work out the distressful circumstances into which he was thus thrown is full of pathetic interest. He was born near Glasgow, Howard county, Missouri, November 14, 1844, and when but a boy of five went with his parents to reside near St. Louis, Missouri, where he lived until the spring of 1854, when his father moved to Kansas Territory, then but a prairie wilderness. He settled on Pottawatomie creek, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Joseph F. Mayes

(See Adair McNair and Downing)—Dr. Joseph F. Mayes, born December 21, 1877, educated at Male Seminary, Central College, Fayette, Missouri and the Medical Department of Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. He graduated from the two latter institutions. He located in St. Louis in his profession and rapidly built up a large practice. He married there on June 14, 1909 Miss Esmeralda Berry born November 4, 1887. They are the parents of Esmeralda Mary, born January 21, 1913 and Samuel Houston Mayes, born August 11, 1917. Dr. Mayes is a thirty-second degree Mason and a Shriner. John Adair, a Scotchman married … Read more

Biography of Richard Johnson Payne, M. D.

Making his advent into professional circles in St. Louis in 1913 as an interne in Bethesda Hospital, Dr. Richard Johnson Payne has continuously engaged in practice in this city save for the period of his service in charge of the ear, nose and throat department of Base Hospital, No. 20, in France during the World war. Thorough study, earnest purpose and close adherence to the highest standards of the profession have gained for him a creditable place and large practice. Missouri numbers him among her native sons, his birth having occurred in Fayette on the 14th of April, 1888. He is … Read more

Biography of Anderson M. Sharp

Anderson M. Sharp. Widely known in the financial field of Kansas and prominent in business and public life at Neodesha, is Anderson M. Sharp, president of the Neodesha National Bank, who had been officially identified with this institution since it was organized as the Bank of Neodesha, in the spring of 1899. For thirty-three years Mr. Sharp had been a resident of Wilson County, early proving his stable character as a business man and his public spirit as an earnest citizen. He was born July 28, 1859, in Calloway County, Missouri. His parents were William and Mary (Maupin) Sharp. The … Read more