Biography of William A. Kelsoe

William Austin Kelsoe was born in Greenville, Bond county, Illinois, February 1, 1851. Upon the death of his mother, a few weeks later, he was committed to the care of Mrs. Sarah Phelps, of Pocahontas, in the same county, and her daughters, one of whom is now Mrs. Kate L. Doubt, a resident of St. Louis. From the age of two years until he reached manhood he was a member of the family of William and Martha Greenwood Watkins and lived with them in Pocahontas, Greenville, Vandalia and East St. Louis, Illinois, also for three years on a farm a … Read more

Biography of Henry D. Blatchley

Henry D. Blatchley came to Caldwell when it contained but one building, and has therefore witnessed its entire growth and development. In the work of progress and advancement he has ever borne his part and today is numbered among the pioneers and leading business men to whom the city is indebted for its upbuilding. A spirit of enterprise, so characteristic of the west, is noticeable in all that he does and has been manifest in his connection with Caldwell. He has ever merited the confidence and regard of his fellow men, which he receives in an unlimited degree, and in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Hunt

John Hunt, meat-market, Mattoon; was born in Fayette Co., Ohio, Nov. 6, 1837; his father came West to Illinois and settled in Jasper Co. in 1845; his early life was that of a farmer’s boy, and his advantages for securing an education somewhat limited; most of his education he obtained in the schools of Xenia, Ohio, and as a student of Antioch College, after he had attained to manhood; he left home at the age or 18 years, and engaged in teaching school some four years; in 1860, he purchased a farm in Coles Co., and followed agricultural pursuits for … Read more

Biography of Samuel Francis Woolard Col.

Col. Samuel Francis Woolard is known to the people of Kansas with well earned distinction in several lines of effort and influence. He had been a Wichita business man for over a quarter of a century and is one of the prominent insurance men of the state. He is a retired officer of the National Guard and a growing circle of appreciative readers know him as an author and publisher. A native of Illinois, he was born October 17, 1865, in Fayette County, son of W. W. and Lucy (Stites) Woolard, his mother a native of St. Clair County, Illinois. … Read more

Biography of Arthur T. Walls

Arthur T. Walls. There are certain lines of business so necessary to the growth, life and comfort of a community that they have become standard, as it were, and fill a stable, definite place in the commercial world. They are solid and dependable and it is not unusual to find a business of this kind descending from father to son, and very often the old established firm name is carefully preserved. Such is the case with W. W. Walls & Company at Champaign, dealers in lumber, building material and coal, the able manager of the concern being Arthur T. Walls, … Read more