Beverly Massachusetts Inscriptions, Ancient Burying Ground

In Memory of Mrs Mercy Thorndike, the confort of Capt. Israel Thorndike who departed this Life October 20th 1783 Æ 27. An amiable difpofition–a benevolent heart Undiffembled affections–and focial virtues adorned her life. She’s gone! the’s paft the gloomy thades of night Safe landed in the eternal realms of light. ALSO of Israel Thorndike son of Capt. Israel and Mrs Mercy Thorndike who departed this Life Novr 2d 1782 Æ. 2 Years. Here lies ye Body of Capt John Thorndick who Departed this Life March ye 24th 1760 In ye 86th Year of his Age. In Memory of Mrs John … Read more

1738 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Hephzibah, dau. of Jonathan Burpe, Apr. 2, 1738. Ruth, dau. of Joseph Swett, May 31 Moses, son of Jonathan Stickney, May 31. Moses, son of Josiah Smith, July 16. Solomon, son of David Pearson, Aug. 6. Ann, dau. of Jonathn Pearson, Aug. 27. Paul, son of Dea. Samll Moody, Sept. 17. William, son of William Turner, Oct. 22. Ann, dau. of Enoch Dole, Nov. 5, 1738 Joseph, son of Samll Danforth, Nov. 5, 1738. Ebenezer, son of _______Clough, Dec. 10. Daniel, son of Daniel Chapman, Dec-31

Narrative of the Captivity of Frances Noble – Indian Captivities

Narrative of the captivity of Frances Noble, who was, among others, taken by the Indians from Swan Island, in Maine, about the year 1755; compiled by John Kelly, Esq. of Concord, New Hampshire, from the minutes and memoranda of Phinehas Merrill. Esq. of Stratham, in the same state; and by the Former Gen. Tleman communicated for publication to the editors of the Historical Collections of New Hampshire.