Biography of James M. Priddy

James M. Priddy. Among the progressive and substantial agriculturists of Shawnee County who have made an especially creditable record both in husbandry and in citizenship, is James M. Priddy, whose attractive residence and valuable farm are situated in Menoken Township, not far from the Village of Elmont. Since coming to Kansas, in 1869, it had been Mr. Priddy’s fortune to have realized many of his worthy ambitious, and through the exercise of industry, good judgment and business sagacity to have wrested from his opportunities a full measure of financial and general success. Mr. Priddy was born on a farm in … Read more

Biography of Joseph W. Cochran

Joseph W. Cochran. Of the agriculturists of Shawnee County who have been the architects of their own fortunes, and who, from small beginnings, have worked their way to independence and position, Joseph W. Cochran is a leading representative. He began his career without advantages of any kind, and his early struggles to gain a foothold necessitated the use of all his energies, but his present fine farm of 107 acres, in Menoken Township, illustrates what may be gained through the exercise of industry and well directed effort. Mr. Cochran was born on a farm near Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, May … Read more