Givens, Joseph J. – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Joseph J. Givens, 45, a Baker City native, died Aug. 26, 2005, in Elko, Nev. There will be a potluck and gathering of Joe’s family and friends in his honor at the American Legion, 2129 Second St., at 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 2. All friends and family are invited to attend. Joseph was born June 14, 1960, in Baker City, and attended school in Baker City and La Grande. He moved to Nashville, Tenn., and spent most of his adult life there. In 2004, he moved to Elko, Nev., to be closer to family. He … Read more

McCanse, Delbert Arthur “Buz”, Jr. – Obituary

North Powder, Oregon Delbert Arthur “Buz” McCanse Jr., 75, a former North Powder-area resident, died Feb. 12, 2004, at Tri-Cities Chaplaincy Hospice House. Plans for a memorial get-together to celebrate his life will be announced in the future through Einan’s Funeral Home at under the obituary section. Buz was born at Metropolis, Nev., to Delbert and Bernice McCanse. He was raised on a farm near North Powder along with his eight sisters. He remained a farm boy at heart and always did seem more natural when wearing his cowboy boots. He was a ranch hand, a railroad worker, a … Read more

Lively, Mildred – Obituary

John Day, Oregon Mildred Lively, 89, of John Day and formerly of Wallowa, died Sept. 25 at Blue Mountain Hospital. A graveside service will begin at 11 a.m. Friday at Wallowa Cemetery in Wallowa. Driskill Memorial Chapel in John Day is in charge of arrangements. Mildred was born May 12, 1919, to Paul and Evelynn (Hyde) Bartmess in Metropolis, Nev. She attended Wallowa High School, graduating in 1938. On Feb. 20, 1939, she married Leonard Lively in Lewiston, Idaho. She enjoyed being a homemaker and knitting. Survivors include her son, Gary and his wife, Sharon Lively, of Mount Vernon; son, … Read more

Cordell, Elizabeth Bonnie “Betty” Harnish Mrs. – Obituary

Elizabeth Bonnie “Betty” Cordell, 83, a former Baker City resident, died June 6, 2002, at the Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital at Elko, Nev., after a long illness. Her memorial graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Mount Hope Cemetery. Pastor Roger Scovil of the Baker City Christian Church will officiate. She was born on Dec. 12, 1921, at Isley, Wyo. She was the third child of Charles and Bonnie Harnish. She was raised at Horse Creek, Wyo., and spent most of her adult life in Baker City. She had lived at Elko, Nev., just a short time before … Read more

White, George Martin – Obituary

George Martin White, 77, died on Jan. 30, 2003, while visiting his daughter in Oasis, Nev. He was born in Salt Creek, Wyo., to John and Irene (Ritchie) White, May 30, 1925. A World War II veteran, Mr. White enlisted in the navy in early 1943 and served until the War’s end. Assignments included the USS Shannon and the USS Chester. After his discharge he became a private pilot and enjoyed flying his Aeronca in Western Idaho and Eastern Oregon where he met Helen Watkins of Hereford. They were married Aug. 11, 1951. He lived an adventurous and varied life, … Read more

Biography of Thomas Holmes

Thomas Holmes is a well-known resident of Ontario, San Bernardino County. He has for the past thirty years been identified with the mining, mercantile, agricultural and horticultural industries of the Pacific coast. A review of his life is of interest. Mr. Holmes was born in Lancashire England, in 1834. His parents, James and Hannah (Mort) Holmes, were natives of that place. In 1844 his father immigrated to the United States and settled in Putnam County, Illinois, where he engaged in farming and stock growing. The subject of this sketch received the benefits of a common-school education and became practically versed … Read more

Biography of John Wasson

John Wasson, of Chino, is most widely known as an editor, but this accomplishment has been rather an incident than a design in his career. He was born in Wayne County, Ohio, August 20, 1833, on a farm. He received such education as the very common country schools afforded. Attendance on school was secondary to farm work in summer, and to some extent in winter. He was dissatisfied with farm life, but was notably a good worker with all farming implements. At the age of nineteen he went to California; spent 1852-’53 in the mines of El Dorado County. Sickness … Read more

Biography of Job Francis Dye

Among the figures who stand prominently forth on the pages of western history is the gentleman whose name introduces this review. His was a marvelous record of long connection with the events which go to make up the annals of the Pacific coast. He was one of those honored pioneers who blazed a path for future cavalcades to follow; who bravely turned their faces from the cities of the east, with all the advantages of wealth and civilization, and cast their fortunes with the western frontier, in all its wildness and primitive modes of life; who, rather than enjoy the … Read more

Biography of Thomas T. Redsull

Great, indeed, have been the changes that time and man have wrought since Thomas T. Redsull landed on the Pacific coast. California yet belonged to Mexico, and much of the land, especially in the southern part of the state, was divided into large estates, owned and occupied by Spanish families. Mr. Redsull was then but eleven years of age, yet had started out to make his own way in the world. He was born in the County of Kent, England, on the 15th of November, 1827, a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Goymer) Redsull, both of whom were natives of … Read more

Sawyer, Bette Norene Hoge Mrs. – Obituary

Bette Hoge Sawyer, 79, a former Baker City resident, died Sept. 12, 2002, at her home in Reno, Nev. A private service is planned. Bette Norene Hoge was born on May 22, 1923, to Earl and Mary Hoge in Baker City. She was graduated from Baker High School in 1941. Her parents were associated with Hoge-Wells Supply Co. in Baker City. The family moved to Reno, Nev. It was there Bette met future husband, Grant Sawyer. They married in 1946 in Washington, D.C., where Grant was attending Georgetown University Law School. In 1928, the Sawyers moved to Elko, Nev. There … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. P. Howell

S.P. HOWELL. – The Adams Hotel at Adams, Oregon, is a comfortable home for the traveler, offering commodious apartments and a table supplied not only with the substantials but with the luxuries of the season. Its proprietor is Mr. Howell. After a life of much roving, he has found his final rest in this thriving young city. Born in Michigan in1845, he crossed the plains while just a boy of seven, and was then introduced to the life of a California ranch. At Hamilton on the Feather river, at the Hungarian ranch south of Yuba, and Petaluma, in the Coast … Read more

Biography of Elisha J. Parker

ELISHA J. PARKER. – A man who posseses the qualities that enable him to brave the dangers of the new country and settle in and develop the same, while he makes a success of the various undertakings that are incident to pioneer life, maintaining a record for uprightness, honor and ability, is one who deserves to be represented in the history of his county, while his name should be placed high in the roll of honor. Such an one is the gentleman of whom we know have the pleasure to write, and the strong character of Elisha J. Parker has … Read more

Biography of James J. Rogers

The life of James J. Rogers has not been one of unvarying monotony, circumscribed by the habits, thoughts and customs of some narrow community, but contains many interesting incidents that come with travel and extensive intercourse with the world. Born on the Atlantic coast, he has visited foreign lands, has viewed many of the interesting scenes of our own country, and is now located in the beautiful city of Boise, which nestles in one of the loveliest valleys of the Pacific slope. There he is successfully engaged in the practice of law, and in the political affairs of the state … Read more