Compton, Moses – Obituary

Mode [Moses] D. Compton, fifty-nine years old, well known in this county and city, was found dead in bed early Saturday morning [July 19, 1919] by his wife, who had gone to awaken him at his home one mile east of Edinburg, in Johnson County. Mr. Compton attended the races at Edinburg, Friday, and enjoyed the day. A stroke of apoplexy was said to have been the cause of his death, according to a statement of Dr. Sheek, Johnson County coroner. He was born near Lewis Creek, Selby County, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Compton. Five … Read more

Biography of John Adams Jones

John Adams Jones. While the main work of his life for over twenty years had been education, and he had served fourteen years as superintendent of the city schools of Highland, Mr. Jones had many other interests and ties to connect him with that thriving town of Doniphan County. Besides his position as a Kansas educator, all the older base ball fans who followed the fortunes of the teams in the Western League know the name of Mr. Jones as a former pitcher and one of the steadiest and most resourceful players of the national pastime. Mr. Jones was born … Read more

Coy, Ira Mathew – Obituary

Ira M. Coy, 90 years old, 402 Keeley Street died at his home at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday [September 9, 1964]. He had been an Edinburg rural mail carrier for 34 years having retired in 1939. Mr. Coy was born Sept. 24, 1873, in Bartholomew County. He married in early life Vinnie McQueen and later married Barbara Ott who survives. Mr. Coy had been active in the Edinburg Methodist Church for many years. He was a member of the Taylorsville Red Men’s Lodge. Survivors include his wife, and children, Mrs. James Stout and Raymond Coy of Franklin, Mrs. Edith Coy of … Read more