Biographical Sketch of Thomas N. Cofer

Thomas N. Cofer, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Arcola; the subject of this sketch was born in Hardin Co., Ky., July 20, 1839. He married Miss Rachel E. Combs Nov. 23, 1870; she was born in Clarke Co., Ind., July 29, 1851; they have three children, viz., Thomas N., Jr., William E. and John C. He lived in Kentucky until the spring of 1854, when, with his parents he came to Illinois and settled in Coles (now Douglas) Co., at Rural Retreat, where they lived about three years; he then moved to a farm near by, where he remained until … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Whitaker

John Whitaker was born in Vigo County, Indiana, March 12, 1833, and is the son of William and Elizabeth (Taylor) Whitaker, who were natives of Kentucky. His father was born in 18o3 and died in 1846. John Whitaker came to Douglas County in 1856, located on section 13, Bourbon Township, where he bought a farm of eighty acres, on which he lived five years ; this property he then sold and purchased eighty acres later on. At present he owns in all two hundred and forty acres; this farm he has improved with buildings at a cost of about two … Read more

Biography of of A. C. Sluss

A. C. Sluss, the proprietor of the Tuscola Journal, a weekly paper published at Tuscola, and the present postmaster of Tuscola, has been for many years prominently identified with the business, social and political interests of his city and County, having served the city of Tuscola twice as alderman, three terms as city clerk and one term as mayor. He was born in Edgar County, Illinois, April 7, 1850, and is a son of Thomas S. and Martha Hineman ) Sluss. His father, who was born in Kentucky, removed. to Tuscola in 1861, and there carried on his trade, that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Roderick

Daniel Roderick is one of the oldest settlers now living in Douglas County. He came to near Danville, Illinois, with his father, Samuel R., sixty years ago. The latter died in Vermilion County, and soon afterward Daniel came to what is now Garrett Township and kept generally about twelve yokes of oxen. He was horn July 16, 1816, and his education was almost entirely neglected, but he is known as “honest, old Dan Roderick.”

Biography of J. O. Rudy

J. O. Rudy, real estate agent, Mattoon; was born near Louisville, Jefferson Co., Ky., May 1, 1827; his parents moved to Illinois, and settled near Paris, Edgar Co., in 1830; his early life was spent upon the farm, and his early experiences were those of a farmer’s son; his education was derived from the common schools; in 1850, he crossed the plains to California, where for two years he applied himself to mining; near the close of 1852, he returned, having as his reward for toil, hardships and privations, about $3,000 in gold; on his return, he engaged for one … Read more

Biography of Owen E. Jones

Owen E. Jones, one of the leading merchants of Murdock since 1893, and the second son of Abram Jones, was born in Murdock Township, January 31, 1862. After leaving the common schools, he took a course at the commercial college at Terre Haute in 1897, In 1899 Mr. Jones took in as a partner Percy Welliver, and the firm is doing a thriving business. In 1894 our subject was married to Miss Nora B. Dever, of Murdock, Illinois. Mr. Jones is a member of the Modern Woodmen; he and his wife are members of the Methodist Church ; he is … Read more

Cutsinger, Henry Isom – Obituary

The funeral of the late Henry I. Cutsinger, who died at his home near this city, on the morning of the 4th [March, 1904], was held at the M. E. Church, at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, the 6th under the auspices of Low Post No. 343, G.A.R. of which Mr. Cutsinger was an honored member; Rev. A. E. Hamilton pastor of the church preaching the sermon. The attendance, the condition of the weather considered, was remarkably large, attesting the fact of the esteem in which the deceased was held in the community in which he had spent so many years. The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. David McKinney

Capt. David McKinney, farmer; P. O. Arcola; the subject of this sketch was born in Butler Co., Ohio, March 22, 1837. He married Miss Catharine Rork Jan. 25, 1866; she was born same place; they have six children, viz., Ida May, Oron W., Charles N., Jessie, Otto and Ruey he lived in Ohio until he was 21, when he came to Illinois and settled in Coles, now Douglas Co., near Arcola; in December, 1861, he enlisted in the 54th I. V. I., he being Orderly of Co. I, and after seven months’ service he was made Second Lieutenant, and after … Read more

Biography of Spephen S. Henson

Stephen S. Henson, a highly respected citizen, belonging to the old school of gentlemen, and who is probably as well and favorably known as any man in the County, was born near Cynthiana, Harrison County, Kentucky, in October, 1827, and is a son of Gideon and Nancy Shumate. His father was a native of Virginia and his mother of Kentucky. The former emigrated from Kentucky to Vermillion County, near Indianola, in 1834, and, with his wife and children, located in the vicinity of Villa Grove, where he entered a large tract of land. His children were: George W. (see sketch), … Read more

Biography of Albert W. Wallace

Albert W. Wallace is president of the First National Bank of Tuscola, one of the leading banking institutions of central Illinois. The First National Bank was organized in November, 1869, with a paid up capital of one hundred and thirteen thousand dollars. Its first president was William P. Cannon (a brother of Congressman J. G. Cannon) and W. H. Lamb was the first cashier. Mr. Cannon remained president until 1872, when he was succeeded by Henry T. Caraway, who remained president up to January 1, 1898, when he was succeeded by Mr. Wallace. Mr. Lamb remained cashier up to July … Read more

Biography of I. W. Burgett

I. W. Burgett, deceased, was, during his residence in Douglas County, one of its leading and most successful farmers. From the time he was ten years old he spent the whole of his eventful life in Sargent Township. He is a descendant of English and German ancestors, who were among the early residents of Ohio. His grandfather was in the war of 1812. His father, Abraham Burgett, lived in Pickaway County and there married Eliza Wells, a native of Ohio. He and his wife continued to live in that County, and there Isaac W. Burgett was born. The family shortly … Read more

Biography of Albert F. Fidler

Albert F. Fidler is one of the self-made and highly successful young farmers and business men of the County, and is a son of Levi Fidler, who was born April 28, 1819, in Berks County, Pennsylvania, Albert F.’s grandfather, Samuel, was a native of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and was of Dutch ancestry. Adam Fidler (great-grandfather), who came originally from Germany, was the founder of this branch of the Fidler family in America. Our subject’s grandfather, Samuel Fidler, fought in the war of 1812, and his great-grandfather, Adam, in the war of the Revolution. Samuel Fidler was a brick plasterer and con-tractor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William A. Wiseman

William A. Wiseman, a well known physician of Camargo, where he has been in successful practice for several years, was born at Waterloo, Lawrence County, Ohio, January 1, 1853, and is a son of Abner and Martha J. (Irwin) Wiseman. His father was a native of Virginia and his mother of Ohio. Isaac Wiseman’s grandfather was also born in Virginia and his maternal grandfather, George Irwin, was born in Virginia. Dr. Wiseman was reared in his native County, where he attended the public schools and subsequently, in 1878, became a student at DePauw University, where he pursued a regular college … Read more

History of Douglas County Illinois

Tuscola Public School Building

This collection on the History of Douglas County Illinois currently contains 114 biographies on important people in the history of Douglas County.

Biographical Sketch of William W. Reeves

William W. Reeves, of Tuscola, one of the youngest members in active practice at the Douglas County liar, was horn on a farm near Villa Grove, Camargo Township, December 25, 187o, and is a son of George R. Reeves. The latter, who was a native of Delaware County, Indiana, was born in 1836, and his death occurred in 1881. He removed to Douglas County in 1865, and was engaged in farming up to the time of his decease. W. W. Reeves’ mother was before her marriage Miss Nancy E. Wilson. She was born near Urbana, Ohio, and was a daughter … Read more

Biography of Francis A. McCarty

Francis A. McCarty was one of the most remarkably successful business men who ever resided in Douglas County. He was born in Schuyler County, New York, April 23, 1837, and died at his home in Filson, May 14, 1899. He was a son of John and Laura (Frost) McCarty, natives of New England. Charles McCarty, brother of Joseph McCarty, was born at Morristown, New Jersey, in 1776, and died in Montour, Schuyler County. New York, November 15, 1858, in his eighty-third year. Joseph McCarty (grandfather) was the father of John, Charles, William and David, was born January 9, 1778, and … Read more

Biography of Malden Jones

In touching upon the history of Douglas County for the past sixty years, none have been more prominently connected with its growth and industrial expansion than the Hon. Malden Jones. He endured all the hardships incident to the rough pioneer life and has passed through a most honorable and enviable career. He is a native of Lee County, Virginia, and was born February 8, 1818 when a child he went with his parents to Kentucky, where he was reared and where, at about the age of seventeen, he entered a store as clerk and remained three years. In 1840 he … Read more

McQueen, Spencer Quick – Obituary

Spencer Quick McQueen, age 75, retired Tuscola farmer, died at his home on South Ohio Street, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday [October 13, 1942] of complications following a long illness. Funeral services will be held from the Mt. Gilead Church at 2 p.m. today (Thursday) with burial in the Broadus Cemetery with the Waddington funeral service in charge. The deceased, a long-time resident of Douglas County, was born at Columbia, Ind., July 5, 1867, son of Thomas and Phoebe McQueen. On October 3, 1888, he was married to Miss Minnie Smith, who with eight children survives. The children are Mrs. Clarence … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. D. Greve

C. D. Greve, one of the successful young business men of the County and the leading grain buyer at Garrett, was born one mile west of the village September 27. 1868, and is a son of Thomas Greve, who emigrated to this country from Germany at the age of twenty-one and settled in Garrett Township. His wife ‘w as Catherine Ritz. Thomas Greve has lived in Garrett Township for forty years, engaged in farming, and at present owns four hundred and fifty acres of land. Both he and his wife are members of the Evangelical Church. C. D. Greve was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. W. Phillips

Of the many leading and successful business men of Tuscola who have fought their way successfully through life and who have been the architect of their own fortune in the true sense of that term is the subject of this sketch. He is a dealer in poultry, produce, fish, etc., and is also interested in the ice business. He founded his present business in Tuscola in 1896, constructing a building 80×20 feet, and one and one-half stories high. This building burned ill August of the following year, and he immediately erected on the same site a more commodious one, 120×30 … Read more