Biography of Aaron B. Perine

Aaron B. Perine. One of the few remaining of the old pioneers of Kansas. Aaron B. Perine, of Topeka, came to this state sixty-three years ago, and has been a permanent resident of Kansas since 1854, except for the two years he was out of the state. In the early days he was engaged in work among the Indians for the Government, later turned his attention to the blacksmithing trade, and for many years now has been at the head of the successful Perine Plow Works. He was born at Dansville, Livingston County, New York, May 4, 1836, and is … Read more

Biography of Rev. James T. Dougherty

When De Nonville and his French army, in 1687, destroyed the Indian village of Gannagaro and Gaudougarae, the inhabitants were driven eastward and formed a village near the foot of Canandaigua Lake, which village and lake have since then borne that name. Among the Indian inhabitants in those days were many Catholics, some of them Senecas and most of them Hurons and Algonquin captives, the result of fifty years of missionary labor of the zealous Jesuits. Even in our day the beads and crucifixes given the Indians by the missionaries are still picked up on the sites of the old … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Morley Worden

Worden, Arthur Morley; manager Worden-Crawford Co.; born, Dansville, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1887; son of Charles Arthur and Jane Morley Worden; educated, University of Pennsylvania, class of 1909, B. of Econ.; director Worden-Crawford Co., and mgr. Cleveland office; member Kappa Sigma Fraternity; Hermit and Rotary Clubs.