Wallace, Micheal – Obituary

On Thursday last, 28 August 1890, Michael Wallace, another of Harrison County’s old settlers passed over the life line to death after a brief illness of about ten hours. He was taken with cholera morbus, subsequently follow, by a congestive chill, from which the grand old hero never recovered. Mr. Wallace was born in Huntington County, Pennsylvania, 9 October 1823, was a collier by trade and was engaged in that business until he left and came to this part of the country. In the spring of 1855, arriving in Omaha, Nebraska, he worked there during the summer of 1855, and … Read more

Clay Iowa Early Residents

Amos S. Chase came here in 1848 attempting a permanent settlement, but due to the spring floods, he decided to relocate in Little Sioux Township. His claim was utilized by Seth “Spanky” Chase. In 1853, Stephen A. Hester and family came from Jones County and settled on Hours-Shoe Lake. Job Ross, and his father’s family on there way to Oregon stopped in Council Bluffs. They heard about the wonderful land in Harrison County, and came to see, decided to stay, and settled on Horse-Shoe Lake. John Sharpnack and T. A. Dennis arrived in 1854 and in 1856 organized the township … Read more

Obituary of William Loyd Wallace

William Loyd Wallace was born in Clay Township, Harrison County, Iowa, 2 December 1860 and died at his home north west of Modale, Iowa 5 June 1914 aged 53 years, 6 months and 3 days. He was married to Miss Kate Davis, also a resident of Harrison County on 9 November 1883. To this union there were born four children; three girls; Mrs. James Yutesler of Modale, Iowa; Mrs. Kelly Vittitoe of Woonsockt, south Dakota and Susie who resides at home, and one boy, William Howard who also resides at home. Mr. Wallace lived his entire live in clay township. … Read more

1884 Directory of Clay Iowa

Last First Section Post Office Township Business Origin Arrival County State Ashcraft Elijah 21 Modale Clay Farmer Ohio 1865 Harrison Iowa Boum W H 25 Modale Clay Farmer England 1855 Harrison Iowa Brown Chas S 13 Modale Clay Farmer/Stock Raiser New York 1855 Harrison Iowa Cook T J 23 Modale Clay Farmer Ohio 1875 Harrison Iowa Hauger Peter 23 Modale Clay Farmer Pennsylvania 1871 Harrison Iowa Ludwig F H 25 Modale Clay Farmer/Stock Raiser Pennsylvania 1869 Harrison Iowa Linn A F 23 Modale Clay Farmer Pennsylvania 1869 Harrison Iowa Linn S J 12 Mondamin Clay Farmer/Millwright Pennsylvania 1870 Harrison Iowa … Read more