Biography of Thomas Milburn Hobson, Jr.

Thomas Milburn Hobson, Jr. has made his mark and impress on the world of affairs as an advertiser, and has built up an organization for poster advertising and general advertising, extending through a chain of towns from Tulsa, Oklahoma, to Kansas City, Missouri. He has also been extensively interested in the theatrical business, though he has recently disposed of all his holdings in that field. He was born at Paola, Kansas, September 23, 1883, and has spent most of his life in the Sunflower State. His ancestors came from Ireland and were early settlers in Ohio and Indiana. His grandfather, … Read more

Biography of William O. Mathes

William O. Mathes. There is no more enthusiastic Kansas than William O. Mathes of McPherson. He knows the state not merely as a great and prosperous modern commonwealth, but by intimate experience with this country when it was in its pioneer stages. He won his competence on a Kansas homestead and he and his people were among the earliest settlers in McPherson County. Mr. Mathes was born in a log house on a farm in Clark County, Indiana, September 7, 1854. His parents were Charles and Mary Ellen (Clark) Mathes. The Mathes family in an earlier generation became pioneers in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. H. Paugh, M. D.

W. H. Paugh, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon; was born in Lawrence Co., Ind., March 13, 1838; his father was a physician and settled in Indiana as early as 1815; in addition to his common-school education, he attended the high school at Springville, Ind., and in subsequent years was Principal of the same. He naturally grew up into a physician, and to fix a period at which he began the study of his profession would be a difficult task; he practiced his profession many years before receiving a medical degree; he attended Rush Medical College one session; later, he … Read more

Biography of David M. James

DAVID M. JAMES. There are few features of business enterprise which contribute a larger quota to the convenience of the residential and transient public than the well-appointed livery stable, and a valuable acquisition to the town of West Plains, Missouri, is the establishment of this kind owned and conducted by David M. James. This gentleman owes his nativity to Henry County, Kentucky, where he was born in 1833, a son of Dr. Beverly W. and Matilda (Day) James, natives of the old State of Virginia and Kentucky, respectively. When a young man Dr. James removed to Kentucky and was there … Read more

Biography of John Warner

Nearly sixty years have passed since John Warner, then a young man in the full prime of enthusiasm and ambition, came to Kansas to seek his fortune in the young state. At that time his available eash assets consisted of $13, not a great sum with which to start in an unknown country. This was sufficient, however, and not many years had passed before he was on the high road to success. Now, in his eighty-fourth year, this Kansas pioneer and Civil war veteran is living in retirement at Manhattan, at which city he took his residence in 1908, after … Read more

Slave Narrative of Billy Slaughter

Interviewer: Beulah Van Meter Person Interviewed: Billy Slaughter Location: Jeffersonville, Indiana Place of Birth: Kentucky Date of Birth: Sept. 15, 1858 Beulah Van Meter District 4 Clark County BILLY SLAUGHTER 1123 Watt St. Jeffersonville Billy Slaughter was born Sept. 15, 1858, on the Lincoln Farm near Hodgenville, Ky. The Slaughters who now live between the Dixie Highway and Hodgenville on the right of the road driving toward Hodgenville about four miles off the state highway are the descendants of the old slave’s master. This old slave was sold once and was given away once before he was given his freedom. … Read more