Biography of Alonzo F. Dove

Alonzo F. Dove, postmaster at Hamilton, is a native of Greenwood County and son of a pioneer family there. For many years he followed the work of educator in his native county and since retiring from the school room had been engaged in telephone work and had handled loans and insurance at Hamilton, where his last teaching work was done, and during the present administration was appointed to the office of postmaster. Mr. Dove’s English ancestors emigrated to Virginia in the colonial period of our history. In Rockingham County of that state was born Henry Dove on February 7, 1765. … Read more

Biographical of Joseph Edward Wagoner

Joseph Edward Wagoner, who had spent all his life in Chase County, had developed the interests of one of the leading farmers and stock raisers in that section and is today one of the big producers in the ranks of Kansas agriculturists. Mr. Wagoner was born August 17, 1875. His birth was a log house on a farm in Chase County, where his parents, Henry and Louisa (Fleming) Wagoner, was among the early pioneers. His parents were both born in Illinois and the father acquired some large land holdings and for many years directed the operation of a ranch on … Read more

Biography of Jacob Ramer Blackshere

Jacob Ramer Blackshere was one of the men who laid the foundation of Kansas’ great agricultural prosperity. He was a pioneer both in point of time and in point of achievement. The history of Kansas ought to give recognition and honor to such men, and that is the purpose of this brief article. One of the greatest sources of Kansas wealth is alfalfa. It is not strange, therefore, that many should have been mentioned for the premier honor of having introduced that crop into the Sunflower State. No doubt the controversy had been settled for all time in favor of … Read more

Biography of Hon. Arthur Thompson Crocker

Hon. Arthur Thompson Crocker, present state senator from Chase County, is a member of the firm Crocker Brothers, who as stockmen and farmers have developed some of the biggest interests in that line in the State of Kansas. The center of their operations is near Bazaar in Chase County. Senator Crocker is a native of Chase County and was born on his father’s cattle ranch here January 17, 1874. He is a son of Erastus Bryant and Annie Elizabeth (Grey) Crocker. Erastus B. Crocker, who was born in New York State in 1840, is a son of Alexander and Dorcas … Read more

Biography of George Washington Crum

George Washington Crum, now retired, had been a resident of Kansas since 1879. He is an old soldier, having fought gallantly for the preservation of the Union and had proved his capacity and fidelity in many other relations to the busy world. His home is in Strong City, and he had been identified with Chase County from section hand to county official. He was born in Chemung County, New York, October 16, 1842, son of Le Roy and Polly (Watkins) Crum. His parents were born in the same section of New York State and his father was a flour miller. … Read more