Biography of Col. Homer F. Fellows

In these days of money-making, when life is a constant struggle between right and wrong, it is a pleasure to lay before an intelligent reader the unsullied record of an honorable man. To the youthful it will be a useful lesson, an incentive to honest industry. Col. Homer F. Fellows is acknowledged by all to be one of Springfield’s most public-spirited and honorable citizens. He has been largely identified with the public enterprises of that city, is a promoter of its improvements and the real founder of one of the largest mechanical industries in this part of the State. He … Read more

Biography of James Harvey Stewart

James Harvey Stewart of Wichita,who had been identified with Kansas for thirty years, is a lawyer by profession, is vice president of the National Bank of Commerce, is former state senator, and for twenty years or more had played a very infiuential part both in business and civic affairs at Wichita. He is now chairman of the Commerce Committee of the Wichita Commercial Club, had served as vice president of the Chamber of Commerce and is vice president of the Wichita Business Men’s Association, and is chairman of the Eighth District Congressional Republican Committee. At one time he was chairman … Read more

Taylor, Mary Grewell – Obituary

Mrs. Wm. Taylor, early pioneer of Kittatas, passes. One of the oldest living settlers here, dies Sunday first teacher. Crossed Plains Oxteam, fought Indians, was still active . Mrs. William Taylor, 75, joined the band of Kittitas county’s vanishing pioneers in mid-afternoon Sunday [October 1, 1933], succumbing to a month’s illness. Mrs. Taylor, despite her advanced age was in rugged health and quite active until she became ill the first of last month. Her passing takes from the ranks of the valley pioneers another of the earliest settlers. Mary Grewell was a true product of the West, crossing the plains … Read more

Biography of S. D. McLain

The prosperity of any community, town or city depends upon its commercial activity its industrial interests and its trade relations, and therefore the real upbuilders of a town are those who stand at the head of the leading enterprises. Among the prominent representatives of commercial life in Silver City is S. D. McLain, who as a partner in the firm of Shea, McLain & Crete is at the head of the most extensive mercantile establishment of the town. This well appointed store, with its large and carefully selected stock, is a credit to the proprietors as well as to the … Read more