Biography of Alonzo J. Tullock

Alonzo J. Tullock. The profession of civil engineering is one which offers great opportunities to those equipped by nature and study for this line of work. It demands, however, perhaps a more thorough technical knowledge of more subjects than almost any other vocation in which man may engage, but its rewards are commensurate with its difficulties and on the pages of history the names of civil engineers who have seemingly accomplished the impossible appear with those of other benefactors of the human race. The great western country, without these able, trained, accurate and daring men would today have been yet … Read more

Biography of Leland S. Fowler

Leland S. Fowler, of the Penfield community of Champaign County, is one of the young and progressive agriculturists of this section. He has the management of his father’s fine farm and he took hold of the business with such vigor as to bring results that are surprising even to himself. Mr. Fowler was born in Vermilion County, Illinois, and is a son of U. G. and Etta (Wolf) Fowler. His parents were also born in Illinois. There were two sons of the parents, Wylie M. and Leland S. Both of them were educated in the high school at Urbana and … Read more

Biography of Otis G. Hawk

Otis G. Hawk, a native son of Champaign County, long identified with the agricultural enterprise of this section, has directed his efforts with such good purpose that now, at the age of fifty, he is able to retire and enjoy the comforts of a good town home in the village of St. Joseph. Mr. Hawk was born southeast of Urbana, May 5, 1867, a son of Isaac and Mary F. (Hiett) Hawk. His parents were born and married in Ohio, and they came to Champaign County in the early days, where they endured many of the hardships incident to pioneer … Read more

Biography of Isaac E. Hess

Isaac E. Hess. Successful merchandising is a business that is necessary in a community that desires to expand and progress, but all merchandising is not, by any means, successful. When poor stocks are offered to the public and indifferent salesmen reluctantly show the wares, the business is not very likely to interest any one very long, but, on the other hand, the first class store, filled with dependable, up-to-date goods which are brought to the attention of customers by courteous employees and sold at honest prices, is a very helpful factor in building up the name and promoting the prosperity … Read more

Biography of Marion M. Ricketts, M. D.

Marion M. Ricketts, M. D. The leading physician and surgeon of Ivesdale and well known for his ability and service all over southwestern Champaign County is Dr. Marion M. Ricketts, who has enjoyed a successful practice there for the past six. years. Doctor Ricketts was born in Clay County, Illinois, October 20, 1877, a son of Jasper and Hannah (Stanford) Ricketts. His father was born in Ohio and his mother in Illinois. Jasper Ricketts has had an industrious career as an agriculturist and is still living at Pesottim. He moved to Champaign County with his family in 1881. The mother … Read more

Biography of Heber Judson Morehouse

Heber Judson Morehouse. In acknowledging the valuable services of Mr. Morehouse as a member of the advisory board of editors in this publication, the publishers are but doing justice in presenting an appropriate sketch of his career. Mr. Morehouse has been a resident of Champaign County for over forty years, has always taken a keen interest in the county’s affairs and can speak with authority on the many varied developments of his time, especially in and around Mahomet. Mr. Morehouse was born in Ionia County, Michigan, May 18, 1856, a son of Albert F. and Sarah C. (Freeman) Morehouse. He … Read more

Biography of Ed Green, Col.

Col. Ed Green. While Colonel Green’s home and interests have been centered in Kansas for a number of years, he is hardly less well known in the State of Illinois, where he was reared and where he spent many active years, and in fact throughout the country and even abroad the name of Col. Ed Green is one of the most prominent associated with the breeding of short-horn cattle and of fine trotting horses. His home is now at Howard, Kansas, and he owned several ranches in that section of the state. Colonel Green was born at Indianola, Illinois, October … Read more

Biography of James A. Wilson

James A. Wilson. Some of the finest and best cultivated farms of Champaign County are located in the southern townships and among these it is no disparagement of the efforts of others to mention the fine place of James A. Wilson in Raymond Township. Mr. Wilson is a practical and progressive farmer and owns and occupies a part of the land which the Wilson family has cultivated for fully half a century. Mr. Wilson was born near Ridge Farm in Vermilion County, Illinois, April 29, 1859, but has lived in Champaign County since early childhood. His parents, William and Martha … Read more

Biography of William Harry Coffman

William Harry Coffman, justice of the peace, is one of the old timers of Champaign County, went from this locality into the War of the Rebellion, from which he returned a captain, and for more than half a century has been a farmer, business man and public official. Though his years now number fourscore, he is still looking after the duties of his office as justice of the peace and also handles considerable insurance. He was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, June 13, 1837, a son of Noah B. and Elizabeth (Lamb) Coffman. His father was a native of, Virginia … Read more

Biography of William G. Fulton

William G. Fulton. The opinion has been expressed that opportunities today for the farmer are just as great as they were in pioneer times when land could be obtained for little or nothing. The career of William G. Fulton furnishes testimony in point. Mr. Fulton began his career in Champaign County with hardly enough capital to buy a single acre of the high priced land of this section of Illinois. He is now one of the wealthy and most prominent farmers in the southern part of the county and his accomplishments show what a man of determination and iron will … Read more

Biography of Jacob Swick

Jacob Swick. A resident of Champaign County during a period of sixty-five years and still interested in the pursuit of agriculture here, Jacob Swick is one of the best known among the citizens of Broadlands and the vicinity. During his long career it has been his fortune to have gained many of the rewards of industry and integrity, and in addition to material remuneration to have attained a position of substantial prominence in his community and a place in the respect and confidence of those among whom his long life has been spent. Mr. Swick was born in Germany, June … Read more

Biography of Clarence A. Rice

Clarence A. Rice. Some highly developed farms lie along rural route No. 56 in Philo Township, and one of them is the place of Clarence A. Rice, which is in section 24. Mr. Rice has given a good account of his energies and ability and deserves to rank well to the front among the farming men of one of the richest agricultural sections of the Middle West. He was born in Bureau County, Illinois, April 7, 1861, a son of Samuel D. and Kate (Bergstra) Rice. His father was born in Massachusetts and his mother in New York State. It … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Cecil Somers

John Cecil Somers is one of the youngest bankers of Champaign, and his career and experience have been worked out in one-institution. When he was seventeen years of age he entered the Commercial Bank of Champaign, and by doing the duties which lay nearest and making himself generally useful to his superiors and to the bank’s best interests he was promoted through clerkships until he now has entire administrative management of the bank and is one of its stockholders. Mr. Somers was born at St. Joseph, Illinois, January 26, 1887, and is barely thirty years of age. His father, John … Read more

Biography of William Morrison

William Morrison. Along the Interurban as it passes through Ogden Township are found some beautiful farms, all of them representing the toil, self-sacrifice and industry of either their owners or of those worthy people who first claimed the land from the wilderness. One of these homes that stand for a most estimable personal career is that of William Morrison in section 8 of Ogden Township. Mr. Morrison was born in New York City in 1851. When he was ten years of age he was left an orphan by the death of his parents, and somewhat later a man named George … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William B. Chandler

William B. Chandler, a well-known stock buyer of the County and a resident of Bourbon Township, was born in Douglas County, Illinois, March 6, 1852. He is a son of Lemuel Chandler (for the ancestry of the family, see sketch.) When yet a boy, William B. Chandler entered the University of Illinois at Champaign and was graduated there from with a degree of B. S. in the class of 1876. In 1885 he served in the capacity of clerk to the Indian commission at Yankton and continued in this capacity for four years. He then went to Pueblo, Colorado, where … Read more

Biography of Patrick Henry Cain

Patrick Henry Cain. For many years one of the highly respected and substantial citizens of Philo Township, Mr. Cain has been chiefly identified with farming, and has not only provided well for his family but is regarded as one of the men of influence of his community. Though a resident of Champaign County since childhood, Mr. Cain was born at Peru in LaSalle County, Illinois, in 1865. His parents, Thomas and Bridget (Finn) Cain, were both natives of Ireland. In 1878 the family removed to Champaign County and located on a farm in Colfax Township. The parents both died on … Read more

Biography of Louis Denhart

Louis Denhart. If true success consists in a steady betterment of one’s material circumstances, a growing enlargement of views and increasing influence as a member of the community, the life of Louis Denhart has been exceptionally successful by all the standards that might be applied to it. Mr. Denhart, who though looking after the cultivation of a large amount of farming land, resides in the town of St. Joseph, was born in Harrison County, Indiana. His parents were John and Elizabeth Zimmerman Denhart, both natives of Germany. They came to America when still single, and were married in this country … Read more

Biography of Amos Elliott

Amos Elliott has had his home in Champaign County fifty-four years, grew to manhood here, and his active life has been one of unremitting industry and capable management as a farmer. His home is in Ogden Township on Rural Route 15 out of St. Joseph. His birth occurred at Rushsylvania in Logan County, Ohio, January 9, 1851. His parents were Moses and Mary (Bonner) Elliott, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Ohio. The Elliott family came to Illinois in 1860, lived in Coles County a time, but in April, 1863, while the Civil War was at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Kirby

George C. Kirby learned his business as a farmer and stockman when a boy in Champaign County, and having added to knowledge and experience the other qualities of industry and prudence, he has been getting steadily ahead in the world since he began his independent career. Mr. Kirby was born in Sidney Township of this county January 22, 1885, a son of George Marion and Froella Catherine (Stillwell) Kirby. His father is still living in Sidney Township, where the mother died May 5, 1901. They were the parents of nine children: Cora of Sidney; Viola, wife of Frank Cannon of … Read more

Biography of Carl Wilhelm Spoehrle

Carl Wilhelm Spoehrle. Since his arrival in Champaign County in 1873 the career of Carl Wilhelm Spoehrle has been one in which industry, integrity and fidelity have served to give him an ever-increasing success, a standing as a reputable and substantial citizen, and the respect of the community in which he has so long resided. At the time of his arrival he was in modest circumstances, and he found the new community in which he settled little more than a raw prairie. His own development from his former position to one of affluence has kept steady pace with the progress … Read more