Basse, Wilhelm – Obituary

Wilhelm Basi [Basse] was born in Langfjord, Norway, May 19, 1869. He was the son of Erick and Stena Basse. He received his education in the schools of Norway and came to the United States in 1888 as a member of the United States Reindeer Expedition. In 1901 he was married to Wilhelmina Jacobson. They moved to Centerville in 1902 and resided on a farm in that area until 1926 when he retired and moved to Clatskanie, Ore., where he accepted the pastorate of the Finnish Lutheran Church. He returned to Centerville in 1944 as pastor of the Centerville Lutheran … Read more

Biography of Gabriel W. Cox

Gabriel, son of Samuel P. and Mary Cox, was born in Gallatin, July 13; 1852, and there grew to manhood. He received his primary education in the common schools of Gallatin, and completed it with a course at the Christian University, of Canton, Missouri, and in 1870 and 1871, at the Gem City Commercial College, of Quincy, Illinois. Returning to Gallatin be was employed, by Gilliam & Simpson as a clerk, and continued in their employ until 1874, when he became the successor of Mr. Simpson, and a short time after sold his interest to Mr. Gilham. Leaving Gallatin he … Read more