Shuss, Susanna – Obituary

Susanna Shuss was born in Cadiz, Ohio, November 18, 1839. Died December 17, 1917 at the age of 78 years and 29 days. She was united in marriage to Geo. Shuss August 5, 1856 and to this union was born three children. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Portland. Mrs. Shuss has spent the last two years with her only son. She had planned to return to Denver and spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Lewis. She leaves to mourn her loss Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Shuss of this place and her only daughter, … Read more

Sharp, James Meilke – Obituary

J. M. Sharp, Aged Pioneer, Dies At Ranch Home. Month’s Illness Is Fatal For Santa Paula Rancher. Funeral Rites Will Be Monday. Deceased Organized Bank And Other Corporations. J. M. Sharp, who played an important part in the general development of Ventura County, passed away at his home west of Santa Paula at 8:30 o’clock last night (December 8, 1932), following a four weeks’ illness with influenza. He was one of the first citrus growers in Ventura County and within the past few years had undertaken the development of 125 additional acres in orchard. He was recognized as a progressively-minded … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. McConnell

John A. McConnell, editor of the Charleston Plaindealer, Charleston; was born in Cadiz, Ohio, Dec. 26, 1826; he began, at 12 years of age, to learn his father’s business of chairmaking; his inclinations were, however, toward literary or professional pursuits, but he was prevented from carrying out his intentions in that direction by a weakness of the eyes; at the age of 17, he began teaching school, and taught during the winters for four years; in 1859, he engaged in the grocery business in Cadiz, in which he continued until 1871, when he embarked in the tanning business, and followed … Read more

Biography of E. R. Connely

E. R. Connely, farmer; P. O. Westfield; was born in Lawrence Co., Ind., March 6, 1829; his parents, Joel and Effie Connely, came to this county in the spring of 1832, and were among its earliest pioneers; having raised one crop, they returned to Indiana, and, in the fall of same year, brought out their family, consisting of six boys and five girls accompanied also by their grandfather and grandmother Pennington; they made the journey the whole distance in wagons, driving their stock, composed both of sheep and cattle, with them. His grandfather Pennington was a Baptist minister, and among … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. M. M. McConnell

W. M. M. McConnell, Charleston, of the firm of M. A. McConnell & Co., publishers of the Charleston. Plaindealer, was born on the 28th of August, 1855, in Cadiz, Harrison Co., Ohio; he is a son of James McConnell, of that city; he attended the public schools of his native town, graduating from the high school in 1872; he at once entered the office of the Cadiz Republican, to learn the printer’s trade, and, after completing his apprenticeship, remained in the office as a journeyman until he came to Charleston, in the spring of 1878, as one of the proprietors … Read more

Biography of John Zurcher

That stanch little republic whose spirit has made her presence felt in all of the countries of Europe, has furnished many enterprising citizens of this country, and among them we wish to mention the esteemed gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph, and who has demonstrated his loyalty and sterling qualities in that, when the call came for the sons of liberty to defend the flag, he at once left the walks of domestic life and plunged into the carnage of battle, where for the entire term of the Civil war he was foremost and at the post of duty, both … Read more