Biography of James Duncan Millar Crockett

James Duncan Millar Crockett. Modern business and industry have developed specialists in various lines, and one of the professions that had arisen to meet the increasing demands of business efficiency is that of public accountancy. One of the best known public accountants of the State of Kansas is J. D. M. Crockett, who had done much to organize and extend the field of public accountancy in this state. He is a member of the firm Crockett, Couchman & Company, certified public accountants, now having offices in New York, St. Louis, Kansas City and Topeka. Mr. Crockett was born near the … Read more

Free Missouri Historical Newspapers Online

Far West Masthead Page 1

This page represents 37 free historical newspapers spread out over the state of Missouri since its founding into the 1900’s. All of them have at least a partial online representation.

Tremain, Frieda June Thudium Mrs. – Obituary

Frieda June Tremain, 86, a former Baker City resident, died Nov. 8, 2005, at the Jennings McCall II Assisted Living Center in Forest Grove. A celebration of Frieda’s life will begin at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Jennings McCall Assisted Living Center in Forest Grove. Fuiten, Rose & Hoyt Funeral Home in Forest Grove is in charge of the arrangements. Frieda was born June 12, 1919, at St. Catherine, Mo., to Edward Thomas Thudium and Nellie Rose Baker Thudium. She was raised and educated at Brookfield, Mo., and was a 1936 graduate of Brookfield High School. She then attended Kirksville … Read more

Biography of Dawson W. Cooley

Dawson W. Cooley is president of the Oxford Bank in Sumner County. His home has been in Kansas for upwards of half a century, and while his years have been chiefly employed in the banking business, he has also identified himself with various other enterprises for the good and upbuilding of this state. Mr. Cooley is one of the surviving veterans of the great Union army during the Civil war. He served during the first two years of that struggle in one of the noted regiments of New York State. His enlistment was in Company C of the Ninth New … Read more