Biography of Charles W. Holder

Charles W. Holder, a well known and successful automobile dealer of Coweta, has the local agency for the Ford cars and tractors, in which connection he has built up a gratifying business. His birth occurred in Parkersburg, West Virginia, on the 24th of November, 1892, his parents being Walter W. and Virginia F. Holder, the former a native of Indiana, while the latter was born in West Virginia. Walter W. Holder came to the Indian Territory in 1888 and secured land three and a half miles from Stroud, where he devoted his attention to farming until 1899. In that year … Read more

Biography of Rev. O. I. Bennett

Rev. O. I. Bennett, pastor of the Christian Church at Boynton and for many years an earnest worker in a vocation which is recognized as the noblest occupation of man, is also ministering to the physical needs of the body as a chiropractor, and along both spiritual and material lines his efforts have been productive of much good. He was born in Cone, Louisa County, Iowa, September 13, 1867, a son of J. W. and Mary Arm (Manley) Bennett, natives of Indiana and of Irish descent. In 1849, when six years of age, the father was taken by his parents … Read more

Biography of J. R. Graves, M. D.

Coming to Boynton in 1919, Dr. J. R. Graves has already proven his skill and ability as a physician and surgeon and his practice is assuming large proportions. A native of Arkansas, he was born in Logan county on the 29th of November, 1883, his parents being G. W. and Mary (Suter) Graves, who were also born in that state. The paternal grandfather, Jacob Graves, was a veteran of both the Civil and Mexican wars, having charge of Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, during the latter conflict. He was a charter member of Masonic Lodge, No. 9, at Clarksville, Arkansas, with … Read more