Biographical Sketch of Mrs. J. E. Caywood

Caywood, Mrs. J. E. (See Grant and Foreman)—Mary Elizabeth, daughter of William and Eliza Jane (Proctor) Born, born July 21, 1882, educated in Delaware District and Female Seminary. Married at Vinita July 4, 1900, John Edward son of Stephen M. and Nancy Ann Caywood, born Aug. 30, 1872 in Hickory Co., Mo. They are the parents of William Marion, born June 30, 1901; Walter, born Aug. 1, 1903; and Thelma Emma born November 3, 1909. Mr. Caywood is a farmer near Big Cabin. Mrs. Caywood is a member of the United Brethren church. Jeremiah Born, a white man, married Elsie, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hiram T. Elliott

Elliott, Hiram T. (See Foreman)—Hiram Thomas, son of Hiram Thomas, and Callie (Whatenherger) Elliott, born in Delaware Dist Nov. 26, 1892, educated locally and in Male Seminary. Married at Vinita, April 1, 1914, Minnie 3., daughter of Drewey and Margaret Trickey. They are the parents of: Rella born May 17, 1915; Eugene, born Mar. 20, 1917, and Maxine, born Feb. 10, 1918; Leroy Elliott, born Oct. 2, 1920. Mr. Elliott is a farmer near Big Cabin.