Biography of William Roth

WILLIAM ROTH. – Many of the most esteemed and thrifty citizens of our land have come from Germany, whence also came the subject of this sketch, and as is customary with that worthy race of people, Mr. Roth has ever displayed a talent for business and a vigor in prosecuting the same that have placed him among the heaviest property owners of the county, and as a leader in his line of industry, that of designer and builder, while also he has handled successfully a number of ventures in real estate and in the stock business that have resulted in … Read more

Fuchs, Mose – Obituary

Mose Fuchs Is Taken By Death Here At Age 83 Mose Fuchs, 83, a resident of Baker since the age of 16, died here last night at his home, 2310 Church Street. Mr. Fuchs was born Jan. 3 1865, in Baden, Germany. He had 10 brothers and one sister. He worked in the former Heilner-Ottenheimer store before building a swimming pool on the old east side golf course in 1901. He operated the swimming pool until it burned in 1913. In 1912 he and his brother Isidore, began the Sam-O-Springs bottling works. Mr. Fuchs had been interested in mining. He … Read more

Biography of George Herrall

GEORGE HERRALL. – This prominent figure in the business circles of the metropolis of the Pacific Northwest, the connections of whose house are co-extensive with the mercantile interests of the whole boundless Pacific coast and western world, and the designation of whose industrial activity is imprinted universally in all our Pacific Northwestern commonwealths, dates the hour of his nativity to the year 1832, and looks back far across the water to the populous state of Baden, a potent political unit in the vast empire of Germany, to the scenes of his birthplace, childhood, youth and early manhood; for it was … Read more

Biography of Joseph Geiger

The career of this successful businessman has been crowned with results which must be taken as another evidence of the progressive quality of the German-American character. Joseph Geiger was born in Baden, Germany, July 28, 1853, was educated in the Fatherland and came to the United States at the age of seventeen years, poor in purse and ignorant of the English language. After spending six months in New York city, he went to Texas, where he remained two years. Then he lived two years in Iowa. By that time he was pretty thoroughly Americanized, for he was a studious and … Read more

Biography of Enos Fitterer

Enos Fitterer was born in Baden, Germany, July 28, 1835, and lived in his native land until 1846, when his parents emigrated to America. They settled on a farm in Butler county, Ohio, and there the subject of this sketch lived and grew to manhood. In 1856 he went to Hamilton, Ohio, to learn the baker’s trade with Messrs. Nutts & Sivers, remained with them some fifteen months, and then located in Carthage, Hancock county, Illinois, where he established himself in the bakery business and carried it on until 1861. In that year he joined the Union army, enlisting in. … Read more

Biography of Joseph R. Bernauer

Joseph R. Bernauer. Since assuming the management of the Fredonia Window Glass Company’s plant at Caney, Joseph R. Bernauer has been successful in showing excellent financial results, and has evidenced a broad knowledge of mechanical science as well as a wealth of executive ability. Many years of practical experience contribute to his equipment, and during his career he has been connected with some of the leading concerns of this kind in the West. Mr. Bernauer was born in Baden, Germany, August 13, 1863, and is a son of Raymond and Brigeta (Schlagel) Bernauer. His grandfather, Quirin Bernauer, was born in … Read more