Biography of Francis McGuire

FRANCIS McGUIRE. – Under the wheeling shadows of Lone Fir, where green vines clamber over the gently swelling mounds, where beautiful funeral flowers, at each glorious resurrection of the year, breathe sweet memorial incense, and gleaming marble guards the last bivouac of the loved and lost, lie the remains of Francis McGuire. Standing by his grave we have no need to invoke the tender Latin maxim, – De mortuis nil nisi bonum; for when his weary head drooped at last it was by the chosen path of duty. He left no stain on the bright escutcheon of his manhood, – … Read more

Biography of Alanson Hinman

ALANSON HINMAN. – The career of this well-known pioneer, whose portrait appears herein, has been unique and interesting; and in one respect, at least, he occupies at the present time a peculiar place among the early settlers of our country. That is, he is almost the only man yet living, of the earliest pioneers, who still remains in the full vigor of mind and body. There are, indeed, a few yet living whose immigration dates further back than Mr. Hinman’s; but they are almost all now in extreme old age. He, on the other hand, though he has now been … Read more

Biography of William M. Rounds

William M. Rounds. Among the men who have won places of responsibility in the gas and oil business in Kansas, one of the best known is William M. Rounds, district superintendent for this part of Kansas and local manager at Caney of the Prairie Pipe Line Company. From the time of his graduation from high school, twenty-three years ago, Mr. Rounds has been identified with his present line of business, and few men are better informed in its various branches. He has been a resident of Caney since 1915 and has already established himself in the confidence of the people … Read more

Biography of Fred Harvey Quincy

Fred Harvey Quincy. Success in any line of occupation, in any avenue of business, is not a matter of spontaneity, but represents the result of the application of definite subjective forces and the controlling of objective agencies in such a way as to achieve desired ends. Senator Quincy has realized a large and substantial success in the business world, has been given important public office, in which he has served with honor and distinction, and his career has well exemplified the truth of the foregoing statements. He occupies a prominent place in the financial circles of Kansas, is the controlling … Read more

Biography of Ivy E. Hancock, D. O.

Ivy E. Hancock, D. O. The ablest representative of the school of osteopathy in practice at Independence, Doctor Hancock, who has been in practice there for the past thirteen years and around her skill and thorough ability has built up a splendid clientele. Doctor Hancock is a native of Melrose, Iowa. Her great-grandfather came from Ireland and settled in this country in the early part of the last century. Her grandfather, William Vardaman Hancock, was born in Indiana in 1828, and went out to Iowa as a pioneer, following farming and stock raising there until his death at Plano in … Read more

Hughes, Julia Antonia Driver Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Julia Antonia Hughes, 72, a longtime Baker City resident, died April 25, 2002, as the result of a fire at her home. Her funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Roger Scovil of the Baker City Christian Church will officiate. Interment will be in Mount Hope Cemetery. Julia was born on April 23, 1930, in Iowa to William and Dorethea Driver. She married Archie Hughes and they had five children, two of whom died at birth. Julia loved the outdoors. Her favorite loves were hunting, fishing and … Read more

Biography of Hon. Rufus Mallory

HON. RUFUS MALLORY. – Mr. Rufus Mallory, one of the most prominent members of the legal fraternity in the State of Oregon, is of New England stock, his parents having been born and raised in Connecticut. Our subject himself was born on the 10th of June, 1831, at Coventry, Chenango county, New York, from where he moved with his parents in the fall of that year to Alleghany county, and six years later to Steuben county in the same state. In the latter place he resided until 1855, when he went to New London, Iowa, where he remained until 1858. … Read more

Biography of Pierce A. Mahaffey

PIERCE A. MAHAFFEY. – To all those traveling in the older times across the rugged Blue Mountain range, the Blue Mountain House is a well-remembered spot. Its ample dimensions, its bountiful far, its genial good cheer, and its generosity and hospitality, made it a welcome relief from the toil of the road. The untimely death of this well-known gentleman has now cast its shadow over the place. Mr. Mahaffey was born in Park county, Indiana, January 25, 1841, and was educated in Iowa, whither he removed in 1850, where he was engaged in farming until 1862. In that year he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Prosser

GEORGE W. PROSSER. – George W. Prosser was born in Des Moines, Iowa, December 20, 1846, and crossed the plains in 1852-53 with his father and mother. They wintered at old Fort Hall, and left there the following spring, arriving in Clackamas county, Oregon, on the 25th of June, 1853. He with his father first settled eleven miles east of East Portland. they abandoned that claim, and took up a claim three miles west of Oswego; and the subject of this sketch discovered and opened the iron mines now owned by the Oregon Iron & Steel Company, on said claim. … Read more

Biography of Edward Long

EDWARD LONG. – Edward Long was born June 3, 1817, in Columbus, Franklin county, Ohio. His ancestors were Puritans, and emigrated from Londonderry (now Derry), New Hampshire, in 1721. The emigrants who settled that town were Presbyterians of the John Knox school, and are called Scotch-Irish, being descendants of a colony which migrated from Argyleshire, Scotland, and settled in the province of Ulster in the north of Ireland about the year 1612. Soon after the evacuation of Nova Scotia by the French, about the year 1763, a large number of families, among whom were the grandparents of Edward Long, moved … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Long

JACOB LONG. – This venerable pioneer, the first to settle in the north end of Indian valley, and whose seventy-four years have but little bent his frame, was born in 1815 in Pennsylvania. At the age of nine he became a pioneer of the West, moving with his parents to Ohio. At the age of seventeen he took his flint-lock rifle and made a tour of the woods and prairies of the old West, visiting the French and Indian trading-post of Chicago, and spending a winter on the Elkhart river in Indiana, with Schomack, the chief of the Pottawottamies. Returning … Read more

Biography of Theodore C. Van Epps

THEODORE C. VAN EPPS. – Mr. Van Epps, a portrait of whom is placed among the illustrations of this work, is one of the best known men in Washington’s capital city. He was born in New Scotland, eight miles west of Albany, New York, February 15, 1847, and is the son of Charles and Angelica (Vedder) Van Epps, both of whom were born in New York of Holland parentage, his mother being a cousin of ex-President Martin Van Buren. His great-grandfather was from Holland, and founded the town of Amsterdam in New York State. At the age of six Theodore … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel I. Lisle

SAMUEL I. LISLE. – Mr. Lisle belongs to the earlier comers to our state. He was born in Ohio in 1843, and after a few years in Iowa made the journey with his parents to Oregon. The father, John G. Lisle, made his home on Sauvie’s Island; and Samuel was there raised on the farm, and enjoyed opportunities for education and business at Portland. In 1865 he turned his attention to mining, making various stoppages at Granite and Olive creeks and on the north fork of the John Day. In 1868 he closed out those interests and located a claim … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert D. Ruckman

ROBERT D. RUCKMAN. – Mr. Ruckman was born on a farm in Iowa in1843, and received a common-school education. at the age of twenty he leased a neighboring farm and conducted it till 1870, when he engaged in the mercantile business. In 1872 he crossed the plains to the Grande Ronde valley, Oregon, bringing with him a few fine horses. He purchased a farm on what is locally known as the Sand Ridge, and also secured and developed a band of cattle. In 1885 he enlarged his business by taking an interest in the Victor Roller Mills of Summerville, of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adam B. Rothrack, Sr.

ADAM B. ROTHRACK, SR. – This representative citizen of the most progressive class in the Inland Empire was born in North Carolina in 1816. In 1839 he went out to the wild lands of Illinois, taking his wife and one child, and remaining until his removal to Iowa in 1863. Two years later he brought his family and effects across the plains to Oregon, and for three years engaged in agriculture in Marion county. In 1868 he made his final move to Umatilla county, developing an immense band of cattle; but, like many others, as he found the range becoming … Read more

Civil War Soldiers from Harrison County Iowa

Name Date Company Discharge/Other William H. Ennis 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry Captured at Ringold, Georgia, and died a prisoner Thomas R. Brooks 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry A Veteran Frank O. Danielson 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry Served three years James W. Murphy 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry Wounded at Kennasaw James Rabblin 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry Discharged at Young’s Point, Arkansas John H. Reel 9 July 1861 Co. ‘B’ 4th Infantry Captured at Clayville, Alabama, and killed Wm. F. Schaffer 20 Aug, 1861 2nd battery During the … Read more

1922 Jackson Township, Iowa Atlas

Last First & Middle Wife Children Rents Acres Section Yrs in County Owner County State Ambrose F H Ella LolitaLowellLeonaLorene   120 9 34   Harrison Iowa Ambrose H W Bertha ChristieHarryClara   6080 43 10   Harrison Iowa Andersen Chris Sena     160 15 2   Harrison Iowa Anderson E Hannah GraceElofHuston   30160 3526 7 Lysander Crane Harrison Iowa Andersen S M Bessie J ClarenceEdwardLoraineDarwinMaryHelenIdella R 4 23 2 R W Payton Harrison Iowa Babe S Lillie JoyOttoMadeline   44 32 & 33 38   Harrison Iowa Baker W A Mary A Leota MElton RRalph   160 … Read more

1922 Little Sioux, Iowa Atlas

Last First & Middle Wife Children R Acres Sec Yrs in County Owner County State Alton Jess A Inez Virgil Earl Floy R 240 24 32 Cross D  A Harrison Iowa Alton O F Sena Leo Nina Harriett 159 17 16 Harrison Iowa Alton W C R 160 5 Lougee E H Harrison Iowa Armstrong Joe Ethel Bruce Lyle Rose Hugh R 73 36 Harrison Iowa Atwell J F Verna Pearl R 320 22-23 25 Atwell W C Harrison Iowa Aylesworth E D Olga Eugene D R 220 7 10 Smith E E Harrison Iowa Baker F M Anna Hattie … Read more

1884 Silver Creek Township – Iowa Farmers Directory

Anderson, James Anderson, Mary Anspach, Jacob Anspach, Levi Anspach, Milton Armstrong, William Austin, George Barley, James J. Baxter, Robert Bennett, E. A. Bleakley, Chris Bray, August Bresnahan, Daniel Buck, Charles Buck, John Buck, Wm. Burrows, James Carter, J. Carter, John Clapsaddle, George Clouse, Collins, J. Condit, R. B. Cooper, J. B. Corey, Matt Corey, Pa. Deller, L. Denman, H. Dickson, Henry Dobbins, Jacob Dobbins, V. L. Downing, Andrew Downing, John Dunn, Alex Ellis, Charles Ellis, George Ellis, William Ellison, Alfred Ewers, W. Fair, Edward Fair, James Fair, William Ferguson, Henry K. Fisher, Augusta Flanders, F. Flater, J. L. Flick, Peter … Read more

Biography of J. W. Towner

J. W. Towner the subject of this sketch, now Judge of the Superior Court of Orange County, is a native of Essex County, New York, born in 1823, in the town of Willsboro. When he was fifteen years old his father moved to St. Lawrence County, same State. His education was only that of the common school except one term, in 1841, at the Malone Academy, Franklin County. In 1844, he and an older brother went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he remained until 1854, when he went to West Union, Fayette County, Iowa, remaining there until August, 1861, when he … Read more