Biography of David G. Parker, D. D. S.

David G. Parker, D. D. S., a popular dentist of Riverside and well known in professional circles of that city, is a native of Alabama, where he was born in 1850, his parents being Peter and Nancy (Blackshear) Parker; the former a Northern man by birth, a descendant of the old colonial families of Massachusetts, by occupation a planter; the latter of German descent, the arrival of whose forefathers in this country antedates the Revolutionary period. When the Doctor was a mere lad his parents moved to Mississippi, settling in Clarke County, where he received his education, closing his studies … Read more

Biography of Samuel C. Evans

Samuel C. Evans, one of the most prominent men of Riverside, and who has spent over fifteen years of an active business life in conducting some of the largest business enterprises in the colony, one of which is the Riverside Land and Irrigation Company, came to Riverside in 1874 and purchased a half interest in nearly 10,000 acres of land, known as the Hartshorn tract; the land is now known as the Arlington part of Riverside and Arlington Heights. Captain W. T. Sayward, of San Francisco, was the owner of the other half. These gentlemen in the same year commenced … Read more

Biography of George W. Suttonfield

George W. Suttonfield was born at Fort Wayne, Indiana, February 14, 1825. His father, Colonel William Suttonfield, a native of Virginia, was in the regular army, under General Harrison, in the Black Hawk war. He built the first house in Fort Wayne and lived there until his death, which occurred in 1841. His wife, Laura (Taylor) Suttonfield, was a native of Connecticut. They had six children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the fourth. He attended Wabash College at Crawfordsville, Indiana, for four years, and in 1849 came to California. He started from Fort Smith, Arkansas, in April, … Read more

Biography of A. D. S. Alkire

A. D. S. Alkire is the well-known and popular City Clerk and Assessor of Riverside, a position he ably fills with credit to himself and honor to that enterprising city. Mr. Alkire is a native of Pickaway County, Ohio, born at Mount Sterling in 1837. His father, William A. Alkire, was a native of Kentucky and a descendant of an old colonial family of Virginia. He was a carpenter by trade, but was engaged also in farming. Mr. Alkire’s mother, Hannah (Osborne) Alkire, was a native of Ohio, and died when the subject of this sketch was but four years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Reuben L. Dewitt

Reuben L. Dewitt, of San Bernardino, was born in Switzerland County, Indiana, October 19, 1815, the son of John and Jane (Potter) DeWitt, natives of Indiana and New York respectively. His grandmother, Elizabeth Sheridan, was an aunt of the late General Sheridan. He was left an orphan at the age of fourteen years. For several years he traveled around in different counties of Illinois and Iowa. In 1851 he crossed the plains to Salt Lake City, where he spent two years, and from there came to San Bernardino County, where he has lived ever since. His first purchase of real … Read more

Biography of Matthew Cleghorn

Matthew Cleghorn, a farmer of San Bernardino County, was born in Knox County, Kentucky, in 1829, a son of Rev. Lorenzo D. Cleghorn, who was a native of Virginia and a minister of the Christian Church. His mother, Mary (McLain) Cleghorn, was of Scotch parentage. They had five children, of whom our subject was the second. He left home at the age of twelve years and subsequently entered the Mexican War. He enlisted in the Sixteenth Kentucky Volunteers, but was afterward attached to the Eleventh. He carried the express for eight months from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico … Read more

Biography of Rev. Berry Edmiston

Rev. Berry Edmiston, of Riverside, located there in 1878. He first resided on the Government tract at the head of Magnolia avenue, on Palm avenue. In the spring of 1880 he purchased a ten-acre tract on the west side of Bandini Avenue, about three miles south of Riverside. Upon this tract he erected his cottage residence and devoted him-self to horticultural pursuits. He has now three acres in budded orange trees of the Washington Navel variety, two acres in apricots and about four acres in raisin grapes. In 1881 he purchased a ten-acre tract adjoining him, on the south and … Read more

Biography Of Oliver Barber, Hon.

Hon. Oliver Barber was one of the foremost figures in the life of Kansas during the territorial and early statehood period. The Barber family played many noteworthy parts in the making of Kansas a free state, and in those early years there was hardly a man more justly honored by his fellow citizens than Oliver Barber. He lived for many years at Lawrence and in that city his son Oliver P. Barber is one of the oldest and best known business men and merchants. A native of Pennsylvania, Oliver Barber was born in Franklin County December 10, 1816. As a … Read more

Biography Of Joseph Gardner

The ancestors of Joseph Gardner were descended from Quaker stock which landed upon the shores of Nantucket Island in 1620. Later they lived in North Carolina and emigrated from there to the Territory of Indiana in the latter part of the eighteenth century. It was in Union County, Indiana, that Joseph Gardner was born in July, 1820. His parents, William Gardner and Mary Hollingsworth, were ardently opposed to slavery, hence adhered to the anti-slavery wing of the Quaker Church. Upon attaining his majority, Joseph Gardner aligned himself with the Abolitionists and finally died fighting for the freedom of the slaves. … Read more

Biography Of Washington Marlatt

Washington Marlatt was one of the real builders of Kansas. Both in the early territorial days and later he touched the life and affairs of the state at several points. While he might be classed fundamentally as a farmer, he was equally great as an educator and minister of the Gospel. He had the talents, character and attainments which well fitted him for a place of leadership. One of the most interesting distinctions attaching to this career is that he was one of the three founders and the first principal of Bluemont Central College at Manhattan, which was subsequently developed … Read more

Biography of Alva A. Warren

Alva A. Warren, a citizen of Colton, was born in Oakland County, Michigan, July 21, 1836. His father, Z. J. Warren, a pioneer of Oakland County, Michigan, was born in New Jersey, August 31, 1801, and was for thirty years a teacher in the public schools. He also took a leading part in political matters, and held some important public offices. He moved from Michigan to Indiana, and front there to Illinois; then to Missouri; then to Iowa, and in 1852 he crossed the plains to California by ox team. He stopped in Nevada and Utah for seven years and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob K. Cottonham

Jacob K. Cottonham, farmer; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Floyd Co., Ind., Nov. 15, 1831. He married Miss Sallie Ann Fowler March 5, 1855; she was born in Coles Co., Ill., Dec. 13, 1843 they had seven children, six living viz., William E., Margaret L., George A., Joseph U., Charles D. W. and Hervey F. He lived in Indiana until 1855, when he came to Illinois, and settled in Coles Co. near Charleston, and engaged in brickmaking, and continued in the business nearly eight years, when he engaged in farming; in 1874, he came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. J. Foster

J. J. Foster, farming and stock; P. O. Arcola; the subject of this sketch was born in Lawrence Co., Ind., May 18, 1831. He married Miss Catharine Beggs Jan. 31, 1859; she was born in Clarke Co., Ind., May 10, 1838, and died May 14, 1866; they had three children, viz., Eugenia, Sarah M. and Dela J.; his present wife was Miss Melinda C. Beggs; they were married Dec. 18, 1867; she was a sister of his first wife; she was born in Clarke Co., Ind., Sept. 3, 1839; they have three children, viz., Orestes, Claudius B. and Ida C. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Kemp

George C. Kemp, farmer and stock; P. O. Arcola; the subject of this sketch was born in Ohio Co., Ind., Aug. 25, 1846. He married Miss Minerva D. Stone Oct. 14, 1866; she was born same place Dec. 6, 1845. They have three children, viz., Theodore, born April 16, 1869; Laura B., born Dec. 4, 1875, and Charles C., born Nov. 8, 1877. He lived in Indiana until September, 1868, when he came to his present place; he owns 349 acres in this township, which includes the original 200 acres given him by his father Ezra, who located it in … Read more

Biographical Sketch T. J. McMillin

T. J. McMillin, farm and stock; P. O. Rural Retreat; the subject of this sketch was born in Clarke Co., Ind., April 6, 1840. He married Miss Margaret J. Combs Dec. 16, 1862; she was born in Clarke Co., Ind., June 17, 1841; they had three children – two living, viz., Rosella and Maggie F.; he lived in Indiana twenty years; he then moved to Illinois and settled in Coles Co. near the Humbolt line, where he engaged in farming, and remained until 1863, when he came to his present place, and has lived here since. He owns 240 acres … Read more

Biography of Isaac Perisho

Isaac Perisho, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Monroe Co., Ind., May 2, 1818; he married Miss Sarah Zimerley Jan. 9, 1838; she was born in Washington Co., Va., Oct. 30, 1818, and died Dec. 25, 1842; they had three children, one living, viz., Jacob W.; his second wife was Miss Leoina Purlee; they were married June 27, 1843; she was born in Washington Co., Ind., July 27, 1818, and died Oct. 15, 1844; they had one child, viz., Hiram; his present wife was Mrs. Wells, formerly Miss Rosanna M. O’Hair; they … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Granville F. Raper

Granville F. Raper, farmer; P. O. Arcola; is a native of Owen Co., Ind., where he was born Jan. 28, 1836. He married Miss Mary H. Roberts Aug. 5, 1855; she was born in Greene Co., Ind., Sept. 13, 1832; they had nine children, six living, viz., James A., California J., Laura S., William O., Albert H. and Granville S. He lived twenty-one years in Indiana, when he moved to Hancock Co., Ill., and engaged in farming; remaining there three years, he returned to his old home in Indiana and lived there two years; he then came to Illinois and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Levi Rosebrough

Levi Rosebrough, farm and stock; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Warren Co., Ind., April 3, 1832. He married Miss Frances Fisher Sept. 5, 1852; she was born in Ross Co., Ohio, Feb. 2, 1832; they had eight children, seven living, viz., William I., James B., Albert, Sarah E., Rhoda M., Eva and Eli. He lived in Indiana until he was 12 years of age, when, with his parents, he came to Illinois and settled in Coles Co., near his present place-this was in 1843-where he lived until he was 19; he then worked by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lilburn Swinford

Lilburn Swinford, farm and stock; P. O. Charleston; was born in Harrison Co., Ky., Jan. 31, 1808; he married Miss Frances Hendricks in September, 1829; she was born in Pendleton Co., Ky., Dec. 19, 1809. They had eleven children, eight living, viz., William H., Martha A., Mary E., Julia A., Lucy, Louisa, Josephine and Benjamin F. He lived in Kentucky until 1839, when he moved to Indiana and settled near Greencastle, where he remained until 1847; he then moved to Illinois and settled near Ashmore, in Coles Co., and in 1865 he came to his present place; he owns 200 … Read more

Biography of James Wheatley

James Wheatley, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Hinesboro; the subject of this sketch was born in Charleston, Clarke Co., Ind., Aug. 9, 1826; he married Miss Mary E. Work Jan. 10, 1850; she was born in Clarke Co., Ind., Dec. 20,1831; they had six children, five living, viz., Junius, Dessie, Carlos, Lucien and Ozeta; he lived in Indiana about eight years, when, with his father, he went to Kentucky and lived in Lexington and Harrodsburg until his 18th year, when he returned to his birthplace in Indiana and engaged in farming until he was married; after his marriage, he removed … Read more