Biography of Francis Marion Abbott

Francis Marion Abbott. Prominent among the men who have been helpful factors in the development of Southeastern Kansas, is found Francis Marion Abbott, president of the Neosho Valley Bank, of Chanute. Mr. Abbott came to Neosho County in 1867 as a veteran of the Civil war, and for many years was engaged in farming, and at the same time lent his aid in various ways to the building up of this part of Kansas, where the best years of his life have been spent and where his enviable success had been gained. Whether as agriculturist, banker, public official or private … Read more

Biography of John Quincy Smith

John Quincy Smith. The career of J. Quincy Smith, of Fredonia, had been an expression of well directed and diversified industry and in its development had invaded various fields of human activity, in each of which J. Q. Smith had won a full measure of material success and satisfying reputation. He had had experience in both professional and business labors, and while he is now retired from the activities of life, having approached the Psalmist’s three-score-and-ten years, is still an influence for good in his community and a citizen whose help and support continue to be factors for the development … Read more

Biography of John Quincy Smith

John Quincy Smith. The career of J. Quincy Smith, of Fredonia, had been an expression of well directed and diversified industry and in its development had invaded various fields of human activity, in each of which J. Q. Smith had won a full measure of material success and satisfying reputation. He had had experience in both professional and business labors, and while he is now retired from the activities of life, having approached the Psalmist’s three-score-and-ten years, is still an influence for good in his community and a citizen whose help and support continue to be factors for the development … Read more

Biography of Albert Henley

Albert Henley has been a resident of Lawrence for thirty-nine years. In all that time he had been actively and conspicuously identified with the material growth and commercial development of the state. Mr. Henley was a pioneer manufacturer of barbed wire in Kansas. Barbed wire is now accepted as a commonplace product of American industry. Only the old timers recall with what prejudice this wire was introduced into general use and also the crude forms in which it was at first manufactured. Mr. Henley’s early attempts at the manufacture were on a very small scale. He began at Lawrence under … Read more

Biography of Col. James L. Abernathy

Col. James L. Abernathy. For nearly a half century one of the conspicuous figures in Kansas history was the late James L. Abernathy, whose name is inseparably interwoven with the material prosperity of Leavenworth, to which he came in 1856, when it was but a frontier town. He was born in Warren County, Ohio, March 20, 1833. In early manhood he accompanied his parents in their removal to Rush County, Indiana, and at Rushville, the county seat, embarked in mercantile pursuits. In the early ’50s the great West, then represented by the vast unsettled territory west of the Missouri River, … Read more

Biography of Simon Coats

Simon Coats. Among the men who are representing Wilson County in positions of public importance, none have a better record for clean and capable service than had Simon Coats, sheriff, who had held his present position since January, 1915, but who had been connected with the sheriff’s office since 1911. He had been a resident of Wilson County for more than forty-five years, during which time he had been identified with farming, stockraising and business ventures, and is well and widely known to the people of this community as an honorable man of business and an official possessed of the … Read more

Biography of Nathan L. Hollowell

Nathan L. Hollowell is grand keeper of records and seals for the Knights of Pythias of the State of Kansas. He had his offices in the Husted Building at Kansas City, Kansas, and had been a resident of that city for several years. The office is an elective one and for an annual term. Mr. Hollowell became grand keeper May 15, 1910, and had been re-elected every year since then. He had long been prominent in the Knights of Pythias order and became active in the fraternity while living in Indiana. In that state he was a member of the … Read more

Biography of Richard Harrison Trueblood

Richard Harrison Trueblood. When it comes to long continued service in the newspaper field, some mention must be made of Richard Harrison Trueblood, who had been identified with the Yates Center News for fully thirty years, is its editor and manager, and more than anything else his energy, his knowledge of journalism, have been effective in making that not only the official paper of Woodson County but a strong and vital organ of public opinion in that section of the state. Mr. Trueblood comes of long-lived and sturdy family stock. He is not the only living representative of his family. … Read more

Biography of David Clark Offenbacker, Hon.

Hon. David Clark Offenbacker. It would be difficult to name an activity of the thriving community of Benedict, Kansas, that had not profited by the support and co-operation of Hon. David Clark Offenbacker. Primarily a business man, with varied and important interests, he had devoted a great part of his time to public service, the present being his third term as mayor of the city, and had also done more, perhaps, than any other man in the way of making public improvements. His business and official records are inseparably connected with the growth and development of the city and its … Read more

Biography of George Alfred Sanders

George Alfred Sanders is a Kansas educator of wide experience and exceptional qualifications for hosts of responsibilities, and is now superintendent of the Roseland schools. On May 14, 1917, he will become County Superintendent of Cherokee County for a term of two years. He represents a family that were pioneers in Kansas, and in the different generations the people of the Sanders name have closely followed the westward movement of civilization in America. His original ancestors came out of Germany, first settling in Pennsylvania. From there they went west and shared in the early developments of the States of Indiana … Read more

Biography of William Edward Hogueland

William Edward Hogueland, who had lived in Kansas since 1869, had the unusual distinction of being admitted to the bar when he was nineteen years of age and had been in active practice at Yates Center for the past thirty-six years. He had been elected to a county office just about the time he attained his twenty-first birthday, and having established his home at the county seat while in office he had remained there in the practice of law. Mr. Hogueland’s ancestors came out of Holland in very early times. There were three brothers, one settling in New York, one … Read more

Biography of William S. Tyner

William S. Tyner was one of the early settlers of Kansas, though he lived in the state only a few years, but founded a family which had become especially well known and prominent in Osage County. The Tyners were an old and prominent family of Indiana. William S. Tyner was one of seven sons and was born on a farm in Rush County, Indiana, September 20, 1820. His parents were John and Nancy (Sailors) Tyner, both Indiana people. William S. Tyner was a consin of James N. Tyner, who served as postmaster-general under President Hayes. The early education of William … Read more

Biography of C. F. Lutes

C. F. Lutes. The largest hand glass plant west of the Mississippi River is that of the Fredonia Window Glass Company, located at Fredonia, Kansas. The president and general manager of this enterprise, C. F. Lutes, had been connected with the glass industry ever since entering upon his career, and is a man of experience, resource and energy, who, since coming to Kansas in 1904, had occupied a position of importance among the business men of Fredonia. The success of the company with which he is identified, and its allied interests at Caney, Kansas and Okmulgee, Oklahoma, must be accredited … Read more

Wright, Mary – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon The passing of one of Wallowa’s pioneers occurred Tuesday morning July 9th, when Aunt Mary Wright died at her home in Enterprise after an illness of several months. She and her husband homesteaded on Alder slope among the very first settlers in the county. Had she lived until December would have 89 years. Three sons are living in this city: George, Layfayette and Tom Wright. One son, Henry Wright lives in Portland and a daughter, Mrs. H. A. Owenby at Oregon City. The funeral is this afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Alder church, Rev. Sibley officiating. Wallowa … Read more

Biography of H. H. Bowen

Among those who are doing effective work in connection with the development of the rich oil fields of northeastern Oklahoma is numbered H. H. Bowen, a successful operator residing at Ochelata, who is the possessor of considerable creative ability which he has utilized to good advantage in this field of activity. He was born in Adams County, Ohio, October 27, 1868, of the marriage of Reuben R. and Kate Bowen, the former a native of Virginia, while the latter was born in Ohio and was left an orphan when but an infant. The father devoted his attention to the buying … Read more

Barnes, George Washington – Obituary

George Washington Barnes was born Feb 13, 1843 in Jackson County, Indiana and died July 18, 1913 at the home of his son in law, Frank Redman, of Paradise, at the age of 70 years, 5 months and 5 days. He served in the U. S. Army during the Civil War having enlisted in 1863. He was honorably discharged and crossed the Plains in the fall of 1865, settleing at Cove, Oregon. During the next five years he followed freighting his route being from Umatilla Landing to Silver City, Idaho. In 1881 he was united in marriage to Mary L. … Read more

Barnes, Oliver P. – Obituary

One by one the pioneers of this section of country are passing away, among our good old mothers as well as with our fathers, but this time we are called upon to chronicle the passing of one of our pioneer fathers, Mr. Oliver P. Barnes of Asotin, whose earthly existence came to an end last Saturday morning, at about one o’clock a.m. Mr. Barnes has not been a well man for close to four years, but for the last year and a half, he has been a constant sufferer from Bright’s disease, and for weeks before the end came, it … Read more

Biography of A. E. Myers

One of the most attractive establishments of Bartlesville is that conducted by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myers, who have here carried on both a wholesale and retail florist business during the past four years. Mr. Myers was born in Iowa on the 13th of September, 1879, and when a little lad of five years accompanied his parents on their removal to Indiana, in which state he obtained his education. Experience that well qualified him for his present line of business came to him during six years’ employment on the Coles Rose Farm at Kokomo, Indiana. In 1912, when a … Read more

Cole, Catherine Linford – Obituary

Cole – At her home near Joseph, December 10, 1891, Catherine Lindford Cole, aged 56 years, 6 months and 14 days. Catherine Lindford was born hear London, England may 17, 1835, her parents removing to America the same year. after a short residence in Pennsylvania, they removing to America the same year. After a short residence in Pennsylvania, they removed to Indiana, and finally settled in Clark County, Illinois. In 1854 she was married to Eli Misner who died in 1858. In 1859 Mrs. Misner moved to Iowa. In July, 1860 she was united in marriage to Wiley P. Cole … Read more

Biography of Willard H. Voyles

Willard H. Voyles, a leading representative of the Craig County bar and a member of the firm of Voyles & Rye, practicing at Vinita, has followed in the professional footsteps of his father and is worthily sustaining the traditions of the family in this respect. He was born at Salem, Indiana, September 13, 1874, of the union of Samuel B. and Maude H. (Huston) Voyles, the former also a native of that place while the latter was born at Macomb, Illinois. The father was reared on a farm and after completing his public school course became a student at a … Read more